Super Slotting the Golf Club

:open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Even more amazing from that view. I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever seen something like that in transition.

I have to agree, that is pretty amazing! Like Sergio on steroids at transition and the club feeding out of the right hip pocket like Doug Sanders. I can only imagine the forces involved in achieving this look - what came to my mind was the CERN particle accelerator with giant magnets holding the club in place on itā€™s jouney :smiley: :wink:

It may take me 6 months to put together what my eyes are seeingā€¦as my brain is not allowing my eyes to work correctly.

Good stuff Lag :sunglasses: ā€¦would love to see this view in motion. Is there a frame 1.5?

What is that outcropping behind the flagā€¦it looks like there is a grid on it. :slight_smile:

Lag superslot.jpgHogan superslot.jpg

Looks like Lag is hitting from p3 the arms are pinned notice the right elbow and is laying it on table top earlier!!!


Eagle sent me this sequence of Gary Player, one of the great super slotters.


A while ago I talked about "moving the club into the 3rd dimension at transition. One plane swing or any kind of 2D model, planes of glass to swing on, flashlight drills and so forth would not be the thoughts or actions you would want if interested in super slotting.

What this is doing is harnessing the powers of forearm rotation and applying opposing forces to that actively, not in a passive way. But what is most interesting from the internal experience within the body is that both passive and active have a role here in super slotting the club.

This is VERY different from any feelings I had working with TGM idealsā€¦ or anything I was ever taught from anyone at anytime during my journey through this game.

It would seem passive to get the club in that position and active to know what to do with itā€¦??

It would seem that wayā€¦ but itā€™s quite the opposite. For this technique, it is a three step process.
Active, passive, active. But the move from passive to active is the classic lower body initiation stuff we have all heard aboutā€¦ but that is really incomplete information.

When I met with Sam Randolph over Christmas last year we talked a bit about slotting the club, and he described it as a very active moveā€¦ but I didnā€™t come away from that with a complete understanding of how he did it. Probably because he has been a super slotter since he was a young junior player. Itā€™s easy to sayā€¦ ā€œat transition, you just drop it into the slotā€

Barkow mentioned to me that Jimmy Demaret told him during a discussion about Hoganā€™s so called secretā€¦ Demaret said
ā€œOh he just dropped it into the slot really goodā€

There always seems to be a tendency to over simplify. One thing thatā€™s for sureā€¦ there are always at least two things you have to do making any kind of swing change.

This is tantalising stuff Lag. I would think that anyone interested in achieving better ball striking is desperate for a more detailed understanding but it is understandable why you would probably go no further on this ā€œpublicā€ forum.

There are a lot of knowledgeable golfers here that may be prepared to have a go at interpreting your insight in achieving a ā€œsuper slotā€ position described as:

ā€œit is a three step process.
Active, passive, active. But the move from passive to active is the classic lower body initiation stuff we have all heard aboutā€¦ but that is really incomplete information.ā€

My current best guess is:

ā€¢ From the top an active anticlockwise rotation of the forearms (for a right hander)
ā€¢ An extreme passive vertical drop (I like Moeā€™s ā€“ Left palm to right heel thought)
ā€¢ Active hard horizontal torso rotation initiated by a hard leg squeeze

What do others think?

Sorry I got my first dot point around the wrong way. I play l/H and tried to convert to right hand for easier digestion for right handers. I should have said deliberate clockwise rotation of the forearms. On reflection if you have already rotated your forearms during the back swing maybe the first conscious move would be remove the cup in the left wrist by straightening or bowing the left wrist as the first move.

Hereā€™s another view of Gary Player super slotting it in a match at Pebble Beach



Thoughts from the Rat Labā€¦

Regarding the picture of Player that Two posted, I found that if I tip my computer screen away from me at an angle there is an interesting view of things. On my screen Player turns into a grey silhouette and a shade of white apears for his glove hand, and what looks to be a cart path in front of him. You can also see some white from his saddle shoes.

I like this view as I can see that the hands and club are doing without the noise distraction of looking at the body. Remember the picture Bom posted of his action in which it was a shadow representation of his body due to the lighting involved in taking the pictures.

It appears Player really attempts to move the club high around his shoulder girdle- almost helicopter style-ā€¦almost parallel to the ground ( active ). The club then drops passively downward into the slotā€¦then active firing.

Hereā€™s Ben again in slow motion in which the first few inches of travel from the top is horizontally backward as if swinging mass along his shoulder girdle. Note how the clubhead first travels on the oceanā€™s horizon line.

Back to the Rat Labā€¦ :slight_smile:

Gary Player

Wowā€¦does that quote resonate with me! When I play, I can have a span of 4 to 20 shots where I feel I cannot miss. My hands feel perfect on the grip, the body can rotate as hard and fast or as controlled as needed, plus the forces are cancelling each other so I cannot hook and cannot lose it right. I feel like a solid block of controlled power with no moving parts other than rotation. As the foolproof striking is happening - Iā€™ve examined everything in exacting detail to discover the trigger, the feel or the root cause of how/why so I can understand to even a deeper degree my ABS swing.

Thenā€¦it starts to slip away. Sometimes it goes immediately and at other times the control/power/feel wane slightly over several swings and Iā€™m brought back to Earth.

Cautionary note: this isnā€™t The Zone. Iā€™ve been there and done that. My description above is more about performing rather than getting out of your own way.

Anyway, Iā€™m looking forward to this as I have little doubt that itā€™ll crank up that 4 to 20 shots and add a few or more even quicker! Hey, Iā€™m not expecting to go out and shoot 18 under even as the perfectionist I am. However, Iā€™m cerebral about golf too and adding any layer to understanding for me is huge.

Captain Chaos

I see Chi Chiā€™s secretā€¦

Letā€™s try this oneā€¦ever have the intention of hitting the ball with the sole of the club leading all the way from the top to just prior to impact. In order to do that, one has to fan the face open like Hogan did exposing more sole while turning to the top. Maybe that is one of the reasons he set his gear grind open- it makes it easier to expose the sole quicker. If the intention from the top is to lead the sole the club mass has no chance of crossing center shaft axis until near the ball- which coincides with the left shoulder getting out of the way. When done this way forearm rotation is saved until the last possible moment and the hands hit hard. Hard for brain the accept this, but if you look at Player and Hogan closely the sole of those woods are leading the way- even past P3- which again keeps mass on the aft side of the shaft until impact.

I played around with this a long time ago, and brought it out of storage today for a spin. It works, but hard to come to grips with it mentally. :slight_smile:

Yes. I have messed with that swing thought before. I resulted in some of worst shanks ever for me as it caused the face to be way too open for me at impact and required conscious thought to not be. Scrapped it in about 20 minutes.

This is the case with manyā€¦ when you change one thingā€¦ it changes other things. There is always an opposing or counter force that must be created or dealt with. This is why swing thoughts with ā€œone keyā€ usually donā€™t work.

Super slotting requires great structure and powerful hand, forearm and pivot work so that at some point, conscious thought is not required.


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