Post Your Swing!

I think the biggie is not trying to pivot early like many think.It’s actually completely opposite.You have to get to the 430 line.Than you think turn as much as you want low and left.But it is a hard concept to grasp.All of us amateurs when we hear pivot.We think start turning even before the backswing is completed.Which opens up a whole new can of worms.Almost best to train this (slowly) by starting at the 430 line with a wide open clubface.Have the hands out and right elbow by your side.And try and keep back elbow at girl side until well after the strike.Focus on turn hard and low left with back elbow stuck to your side.Use the pivot and forearm rotation to square the face.It’s not easy by any means.And requires some extreme discipline.For many it could take years.But nothing comes easy

See Module 8 …

And I need more characters to post.

Being a fan of a short post, I have the same issues.

All that mod work really makes sense now.Just wish my body would move a little better :(. But it is what it is

It takes time. My swing came out like knudson, because i like to squat at address, i stand up in transition to create space and tilt fro my downswing. 430 line…i think this has something to do with playing competitive basketball in college and city leagues prior to taking golf seriously. Intuitive understanding anyway.

I guess what im getting at is…your body is probably fine. You can work mobility and flexibility, but truthfully…its gonna move how it moves. Do the drills…be present, get in the zone. Then LET THE BALL GET IN THE WAY…

Oh, and if you have time, you can do an assessment of your mobility here (close to what i got at an actual tpi certified therapist):

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My mobility is very poor. But I do all the fitness and stretching I can. Love running 3-5 miles daily if I can. And love lifting heavy weights for an hour daily as well. I do the best I can. Will never be a tour player. But I enjoy learning about the golf swing. I can only do my best… all anyone can ask

Just want to make my 3-5 rounds a year as enjoyable as possible


I do love me some orbit pull…



Very nice. What was the shot shape?

Was that shot in 1950s ?

Where’s Ben?

Thank you! Slight draw, Hogan saw I was playing modern gear and passed. :man_facepalming:

I more posted it to show how poorly modern clubs can handle the forces we place on the club and shaft…and how ive compensated. Notice how the head and shaft wobbles.

Since we were discussing orbit pull, i wanted to share the nuances of trying to play modern gear as well, using hitting protocols.

This is not a total hitters protocol, more “switter”…just not enough mass to accelerate at P3, so i have to wait until the straight line relationship matches shaft plane and start line. Takes a lot of patience in transition, because the club will not slot without conscious effort…just fyi for anyone trying to do this. Its wants you to load it at the top, not throughout the entire transition like we prefer.

Also, the modern shaft does not hold energy the same way as an old X100/persimmon combo. It wants to start releasing at P3…vs. feeling like its bolted to your chest in transition. Modern shafts like to “kick/deflect” early. Hard to explain…

It basically feels like my pivot engages late to compensate, because i have to pick the speed back up after i catch the first deflection at P3 ( after turning the corner).

I guess i feel how twomasters looks on video…very late speed.

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Very nice 72 hole outs. What I feel is what your video shows . The handle of the club matches up with my belly button from slightly below 430 line. All the way to hip high of the follow thru. Hands are close to my body and club exits with a full face look versus closed.I believe Brad mentioned that the club exit look tells what happened in the rest of the swing

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Here are a couple shots of me hitting 6-irons today. One thing I like is my face stability through the strike. Also, I am finally getting some decent shoulder rotation on the backswing.

Face On with slow motion through impact

6 Iron DTL

I don’t know how to embed YouTube videos directly on the page. Someone want to school me?

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Here is just after impact - right palm and club face still skyward.


Your swing is on its way! Looks like you need to work that golfers tan more than you need to work mechanics.

I hear ya. Too much motorcycling and not enough golfing!

That is awesome Les.That would be the model ABS swing

Tin cup ! Love the look and the range too.

That’s not Less, the Less I know uses a range with a mountain in the background and a tee area to the far right of the range. :dark_sunglasses:

RR - I’ve moved my nest to a location outside the PRC.

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