Post Your Swing!

Swing looks really good through impact P! I wouldn’t consciously try to do anything post impact. Acceleration looks good. Just keep working the drills and watch things continue to improve!

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Maybe it is possible to follow ABS protocols and still hit bombs?!


First range session of the year. Did a bunch of drill work, then finished off with some full swings with my 3 iron. I just focused on turning as best I could, trying to get my old stiff body moving again :joy: Old blade 3 iron meets old man 😂 - YouTube


A little chicken winging is ok. If done correctly, it represents a pulling against the orbit pull.

If the pivot stalls, and then the arms pull inward, then that would not be desirable.

Feel a chicken wing in the right elbow and not the left.


Stumbled across the Be Better Golf videos a few months back and then went down the rabbit hole watching all of Hughes and Erickson videos I could find on YouTube. Lol Really committed to this style of swing! Always felt like the “modern” teachings didn’t fit me well. Was really obsessed with trying to swing like Hogan 7-8 years ago but struggled with it so been trying all sorts of things since. Haven’t pulled the trigger on the ABS modules yet but excited for the Hogan modules.

Adjusted my equipment to 4 degrees flat and also added weight. Added 45gms by placing 1/4” carriage bolt with nuts wrapped in masking tape into the butt end of shaft. I know it really messes with swing weight but overall weight of the club is heavier and I enjoy feeling the weight in my hands. Here’s my swing, still some work to do but striking them well!


Don’t worry about swing weights… dead weight is much more important. Feeling the club in your hands is the “gold”. The ball responds well to more mass if you can handle it. More mass also slows down acceleration at transition and helps you keep pressure on the shaft longer… where it counts.

You have a lot of good things going on in your golf swing! Good work!


To fully engage the orbit pull… which will maximize stabilization of the clubface through the strike and maximize feel in your hands…
make sure to hit the 4:30 line on the downswing and get the clubshaft working at right angles to the spine on the downswing so you can leverage the club properly with pivot rotation.

Think 4:30 entry with 7:30 exit path…


Hello, all. I started playing in late 2017. Reading books, lots of hacking away at the driving range. Could hardly get around the course. Eventually found the Brad Hughes drills, and the started working the 1-2-3 ABS modules this past September. Playing by a mile my best ever golf right now. Happy to be part of this forum. I know have a long way to go, but wanted to share where I am now. All thoughts and comments welcome and appreciated.

2023.03.03 FO
2023.03.03 DTL


A lot of good things going on there… keep at it, and more and more lightbulbs will be coming soon.


Awesome work Brian! Swing is looking great!

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Significant changes since beginning my ABS journey last August. The pic on the left is from Aug 2022, the pic on the right is today. Clubhead is much more stable, body is pivoting much better.


Finally made it to the range. Still on mats unfortunately, but at least it’s not snowing!


Looking good! On the front view, should you try to be more closed with hips & shoulders at the 4:30 line? How are you hitting it when you play?

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Played my first 9 holes in 7 months. I shot a pedestrian 41. Poor wedge play and missed most my driver shots to the right. I’m getting used to new wedges.
Always fun to get outside and play. The clubs almost felt a bit light, could go heavier. We’ll see.
Hope you all are enjoying spring.


Slinger, Are you a Boiler? Saw the hat…I’m from Merrillville, Purdue 1980 grad.

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Chesterton here. I’m 20 mins from you

Boiler Up! And up…and up…

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Wondering why I had a good ball striking today at the course. They didn’t have a range but only a net. Rotation with bent rear arm. I think anyone will hit more good then bad looking like that

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I took a lesson once from a Ballard certified instructor and quickly discarded what I was taught after I left. I could not time the sway back and forth. Oh well! Lesson NOT learned!

Took me almost 2 full seasons to somewhat get the orbit pull. It’s more left hip , chest opening that causes it versus my hands. But it also feels like right forearm never crosses over the left like my old swingers strikes I had. Can’t say if it is more consistent or not. But looks cool. And almost feels like the club at the 430 line matches this in the opposite correct position. Weird game,

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