Post Your Swing!

I’m up to almost 5 feet long of bacon size divots.
Going to see if I can take this 25 yards before it snows

maybe snow divots will be good to explore!

Will try to put together a course vlog later. Had an interesting round today…

Driver Fade Ball Flight

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Made a course vlog. 9 holes. I played with 11 clubs to simplify things and walked yesterday. Was in the 40s with a small breeze (maybe 8-10 mph). One of my last rounds before the courses close for winter, and my first round in a little over a month.
You’ll see birdies and some blowups if you happen to watch.

And one more you might like. Really quick Edit of nine holes, just swings and no talk. Hope you’re all well.


I’m doing it. But now I think these clubs need to be flattened more. Hitting shanks now and pulls , which for me is a positive. I’ve changed my complete entry and exit into the ball. Really think the orbit pull is how it should’ve always been done


And I think the key is the follow thru. The back hand has to be pulled back. Not laying down low and around swinger follow thru. It’s very counter intuitive. Trying to feel the face is always passive in her swing . Handle comes in low in front of left pants pocket. And not allowing the hand structure to break down or flip. Have to really pivot hard with the handle down and in sync with your stomach. The handle has to be passive and low. Very difficult stuff

Funny how different the follow through can look based on the club and shot you play. I have a swinger’s release, evident by the driver picture.

Wedge Swing


Hey everyone,

Glad to join a group of golf obsessed maniacs like myself. The pursuit of a repetitive fundamental golf swing is a beautiful thing.

I purchased Bradley Hughes drill series a couple years ago. After about 4 months of work I was back to playing some of my best golf. I played previously in college for a short bit before I realized golf wasn’t going to pay my bills. Engineering school and building a career has taken a toll on my game but I am determined to get it back. I will continue to share my progress as I progress through the ABS program. For now I’ll drop some old videos of myself and work up to my current swing.

This was a fun video hitting one of my favorite clubs that I had stuck in my bag at the time. Nothing like rifling 1 irons into frozen PA fairways.

Check it out!


Nice looking swing and welcome to the forum

Looks money with the iron though!

Also the camera angle with the driver is a little off to the right, it would probably look far more on plane if the camera was positioned to the left…

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A lot of very good things going on there!
Good aggressive torso rotation through the strike…

Nice swing young man. And looks like your in good shape. Keep that mojo. The older we get , the more people let themselves go physically.

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Better dispersion for 8 irons. I like it when I don’t have to look all over in the leaves for them

I see 5 balls here, how many did you hit?? If that’s 5 of 5 you need to get playing some competitions, cuz that’s insane.

Out of 12. And the rest were actually within 5-10 yards. Really hitting it more consistent now the closer I get to orbit pulling and less club flip after impact. I’m kinda just focusing more on results versus look on the camera. Takes the pressure off and enjoy the process more

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Great scenery. I bet you have some great hiking and mountain bike trails there

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Low and left for hopefully the win

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Swing looks great, nice slotting action going on. What is the training tool you have on the club?

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Awesome looking move Slinger. Really stable club face going through the shot. If I wanted to get nit picky I would say focus a little more of your intention on the “late hit”, I think this might help you hold some of those angles a little longer and help get some more compression through the strike. Really good looking swing!

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