Post Your Swing!

Beautiful! Am heading to Gunnison in a month. Chasing elk not golf balls though.

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Beautiful area! Hope you have fun…

Only nice shot today . And made the putt on


Took this footage tonight, finally built out a little driving range. I bought a Garmin R10, amazing little machine, still learning how to use it. My numbers really have suffered from not playing much and more so, 4 back surgeries. Here is a 6 iron, good ones carry 165-170ish, I need more but at 54, that will take more work. Wish I could keep that noggin in one place….the crossy the line has always bugged me immensely.

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Nice level shoulders through the strike, and good sounding contact.

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Looking like a stud to me

Best shot of the day . 122 9’iron and made the putt

Had to manually slot the club today . Started off with weak cuts. Ended with nice high draws in the cold fall air


Two nice drives. So mad I lost this red ball right in the middle of the fairway. Loved that red ball


So I haven’t played since June. Went out Sunday at a course up in Boise, ID area. From the white tees made 7 out of 9 pars on the front 9. Back 9 not so much lol. Back 9 my left pull miss came into play.

Was playing my 1952 MacGregor 653 woods and Wilson Buttonback irons.




My swing on the left (5 iron) at the start of my ABS journey a few months ago, and my swing today (3 iron). I’m liking a slightly more open clubface at P3, much better body rotation through impact and less clubface rotation post impact. Mostly impact bag work and drills, not a lot of free time to get to the range.


Great work. Subtle changes, but they are there.

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I say again; with a swing like that you must really love carpentry. Seriously, that’s a thing of beauty. Cheers, PK

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Thanks, really appreciate it :blush:

Looks like lft arm more connected so u can orbit pull that handle left :+1::sunglasses:

Nice work bro


Two days in a row I’ve managed to get to the range for a quick bucket, wonders will never cease :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Worked mainly on the orbit pull with half 7 irons. I feel, for me, if I stand a little closer to the ball, it makes me move my left shoulder out the way faster, keeps pressure in my armpits, and helps me rotate better through impact.


Much better acceleration… which leads to better feel in the hands… better ball control.

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Thanks, it’s getting better for sure. I moved a tad closer to the ball which helps stop me throwing my right hand at it. It also forces me to get my left shoulder back behind me faster and out the way, thus better acceleration. I also find letting my head release with my body (ala Duval, Anika) allows me to turn flatter through to pv5.


I think I’m seeing how consistent. And how the club responds to orbit pull. Really like this

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