Thoughts From BBG Trip to work w John Erickson


You stated that you are willing to be a test subject.

However, you cannot expect a golf researcher (eg. Michael Neff) to bring his 3D-GEARS equipment to your house/deck because his 3-D equipment is complex requiring 8 - 10 cameras carefully positioned in a studio setting.

Here is a capture image from a GEARS 3D evaluation of Rory McIlroy’s driver swing showing the clubface closure rate (relative to the clubhead path), clubhead speed, grip speed (which is also the speed of the motion of the lead hand) and the grip roll (handle twist velocity) at impact.

Note that Rory’s grip speed peaks in his mid-downswing at ~25mph and then decreases to ~20 mph by impact.

You claim that you are accelerating your grip handle during your late downswing through impact into your early followthrough. If you get tested with the GEARS 3-D system, that study will confirm that “fact” if it is true. You also claim that are keeping the clubface square to the clubhead path in the early followthrough - the GEARS system can measure your clubface closure rate throughout your entire downswing and early followthrough. The GEARS system will also measure your grip roll rate due to lead forearm rotation during your late downswing and through impact.

I think that you should contact Michael Neff to find a GEARS 3D system owner in your area of California - so that you can be scientifically tested, and I think that you share the results with the public so that we can see if your claims are verified by scientific testing.


It’s normal… but remember to work on full speed swings the most. Get that down, then take it to the ball quickly…

Well, that’s all good, but I would have to know when the system was last properly calibrated, and what instrument was used for calibration, and whether or not that specific testing instrument meets the National Bureau of Standards for radar testing equipment… by serial number. White lab coat guys need to be scrutinized as much as I do.

Then we could move forward with some degree of confidence.

Come on Jeff, you can’t be expecting Rory the paddy flipper to be holding shaft flex.

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You wrote-: “Well, that’s all good, but I would have to know when the system was last properly calibrated, and what instrument was used for calibration, and whether or not that specific testing instrument meets the National Bureau of Standards for radar testing equipment… by serial number. White lab coat guys need to be scrutinized as much as I do.”

I personally think that your request is irrational and it strongly suggests that you actually want to avoid being tested in a scientific manner.


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You wrote-: “Come on Jeff, you can’t be expecting Rory the paddy flipper to be holding shaft flex.”

What is you point? I never suggested that Rory is using the “holding shaft flex” technique that John teaches in his ABS modules.

I merely used Rory as an example of a pro golfer who has been tested using Michael Neff’s GEARS 3D system. I would like to see John being tested in a similar manner so that we can scientifically evaluate his clubhead speed, grip speed, grip roll and clubface closure measurements during his driver golf swing action.


This is all not relevant. And is a fatal misunderstanding of how to swing a club. And actual sabotage of other people trying to improve.

It doesn’t matter if the shaft is flexing or not, whether on camera, 3D or however. The only relevant elements are feel and intention and result.

If John hits it solid, accurately and long, and it’s repeatable. And other people can learn and repeat it how he teaches it that is all relevant. If I am say, feeling stress against my right index finger, and it marries with my intention, and produces results the clubhead can be in whatever attitude or moving through whatever attitude.

You can have lots of information but but in terms of performance and education it can be totally vacant.

Let’s assume your hypothesis is correct. Well done Jeff. Look how knowledgable you with zero worth, precisely zero relevance to outcomes. You are navel-gazing.


This is an odd post. Way off topic, which I was enjoying. I’ve never heard of you, I can’t see you’ve played the game to any level? Why would anyone do what a stranger asks and pay for it themselves!?!? It’s bizarre. Forgive me if you are a someone in golf, but even then I think if you would like someone to do something for you, sounds like a significant undertaking, you should pay for it and organise it.

Definitely I would want to see your credentials as a player and teacher first. And your track record of improving people. You could be anyone.

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Hey Bullet. I have seen this person, JeffMann, interfacing with John since 2009 when he was posting on the iGolf boards. If you go look at the Let’s Talk Lag’s Golf Machine archives you’ll see him posting up similar posts from back then.

This behavior we are seeing is typically classified as troll-like behavior and is best left ignored.


I don’t mind being tested… but I also fight speeding tickets in courts of law and have won 13 in a row… and I question radar calibrations and judges agree. Probably for good reason.

They might be fairly accurate, but often not. Calibration and calibrators are very critical elements. Scientific for sure.


I’ve really been enjoying watching Lag on the BBG Youtube channel.

This entire series has been so insightful and invaluable. It’s also nice to have the forum back.


He seems like he would be a teachers worst nightmare. It seems like he never sticks with anything/ kudos for you working with him

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BBG is better than My Swing Evolution Christo Garcia. Christo titled his latest video “Advanced Ballstriking…”. :man_facepalming:


The guy must be a narcissist, has no shame. Sails close to the wind stealing other people’s IP.

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First post here…. Found ABS via Be Better Golf (BBG) channel. Great channel btw. By far the most impactful for me (and I watch a lot of YouTube…) has been John’s videos on BBG.

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Welcome Muddfoot to ABS!

So much to explore here… and a great community of obsessive golf fanatics!
Feel free to ask questions and contribute here…

The "OBRIT PULL " MOVE in GOLF to COMPRESS LIKE NEVER BEFORE. @John Erickson Advanced Ball striking - YouTube. Orbit pull video with John Erickson. This had the fastest immediate results for me.


“…I hope the timing’s good here…”

Really loving the series with you John. Brendon you’re a fantastic interviewer and ego-free student.Very refreshing.

Tried the Frozen Elbow: My hands are finally disappearing left while the club head/shaft is still visible. Something Hogan appears to have done DTL, so I always figured it had to be purposeful.

Thank you!


Doing this drill is when I had pretty much immediate improvement in my game - well after hitting maybe 10,000 balls. John has moved this forward to module 4 instead of module 8, so students should see quicker improvements. Top stuff.


Great video. Actually, the whole series was golden. These videos should’ve almost been private imho. So many secrets relayed in them

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