Science Validates Erickson


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Orbit pull

Hockey shot slow motion

Hocky players make great golfers

Clay Ballard hockey

Bend ur stick

Michael Breed

Milo Lines

Martin hall

Top speed golf

Barnhill Golf

Impact Snap

Spring shaft Jackie Burke

Tony L

Zach Allen right arm

“As your forces change direction from P6 to P7 the shaft kicks into lead deflection.”

-Jackie Burke

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Orbit it :sunglasses::sunglasses::point_down::point_down::muscle::muscle:

Hockey shot slow motion

Hocky players make great golfers

Clay Ballard hockey

Bend ur stick

Michael Breed

Milo Lines

Martin hall

Top speed golf

Barnhill Golf

Impact Snap

Spring shaft Jackie Burke

Tony L

Zach Allen right arm

“All shafts go into lead deflection prior to impact, all right arms straighten, and all hand speed decelerates during the last phase of the downswing.”

-Ben Hogan

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Ben hogan

Hockey shot slow motion

Hocky players make great golfers

Clay Ballard hockey

Bend ur stick

Michael Breed

Milo Lines

Martin hall

Top speed golf

Barnhill Golf

Impact Snap

Spring shaft Jackie Burke

Tony L

Zach Allen right arm

“The golf swing and the hockey slap shot are not similar in any way.”

-Byron Nelson

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@Fore_Thirty if u cant even figure out how to use ur iPhone and take a video of ur swing for ABS….

You will never understand the Orbit Pull or maintaining shaft flex in the ABS Teaching. Sorry, but u can still drive our carts for free.

Bye :kissing_heart:

A lot of what you are seeing regarding the right arm straightening from DTL is not accurate due to the revolving of the torso and arms in a counter clockwise motion.

The camera isn’t moving… so a bent right arm will appear to straighten as it moves left around the body… moving around from the right side of a cylinder to the left side.

For example, if I take something that is bent and I rotate it… at some point it will appear to be straight when the bend is no longer visible in 2D.

Again, try to use some critical thinking here… it would be helpful.


It’s straightening…in real degrees in any reference frame. Get on GEARS and you’ll see.

“If my hips were speeding up into impact, I knew I’d screwed up the kinematic sequence.”

  • Sam Snead
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I am asking you to use critical thinking here.
If you take a banana, which is clearly curved, and you rotate it 90 degrees in either direction… it will appear to be straight.

If you can’t understand that, I don’t know what to say… try to think it through. This has nothing to do with Gears or any of that…


Not while they are driving could be hazardous :point_down:

It’s not about APPEARING anything. The right arm is straightening in a golf swing. It is not fully straight at impact, but it is in the process of straightening. Just like the lead wrist is extending. It may still be in flexion, and it usually is, but it is in less flexion than it was prior. It is moving toward extension, it just hasn’t gotten there yet. Straightening doesn’t mean the same thing as straight or straightened. Get on GEARS for free and get measured.

I am going to assume you don’t understand what I said about rotating a curved or bent object in relation to a stationary camera.

Do you understand what I said or do you not understand what I said? It’s a yes or no question. YES or NO

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I understand illusions, including the one you are describing. But the statement that the right arm is straightening is not a conclusion made by looking at video, and so the illusion is irrelevant. 3D motion capture systems which are measuring the right arm (and the rest of the body) with sensors attached to the arm, which are read by 4 synchronous high speed cameras, able to triangulate the location of the sensors in 3 dimensional space, can actually determine, exactly, what the body is doing.

The reality is that in all players tested, the right arm is indeed straightening.

I realize you didn’t ask me, but I wanted to reply anyway because the question is important to the things being discussed in this thread.

GEARS is a 3D system. The entire frame of reference can be rotate to any angle you want to see. 360 degrees. The right arm bend is directly measured in degrees, not some look on 2D. You don’t seem to understand what I’m saying or what’s being measured.

Lol :point_down::point_down::point_down::clown_face::point_down::point_down::point_down: smh

Love this bent arm orbit pull

Straighter than it was prior and continuing to get straighter as the swing progresses.

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This is a generalization that certainly voids any scientific reasoning.

I can hit shots with my right arm not straightening at all. I have even taped up my right arm to demonstrate this from P3 to P4 which is the parallel of the shaft before and after the strike.

I agree, most golfers straighten their right arm through the strike, but this again is a trademark of swinger releases. We do everything we can to minimize this, and it certainly is possible to strike a ball without the right arm straightening at all. I don’t need GEARS to know this or demonstrate this. Maybe you do? Not me.

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