Science Validates Erickson

It isn’t possible. It’s straightening.

How much are you willing to bet? I could use a quick $100. You can paypal me after I do this.

I am going to assume you don’t understand what I said about rotating a curved or bent object in relation to a stationary camera.

Do you understand what I said or do you not understand what I said? It’s a yes or no question. YES or NO

Will send you $1000 after you make a full swing on GEARS and show no right arm straightening. If you can’t you send me $1000.

I am going to assume you don’t understand what I said about rotating a curved or bent object in relation to a stationary camera.

Do you understand what I said or do you not understand what I said? It’s a yes or no question. YES or NO

I assume you don’t understand what 3D, rotating the focal plane, or direct measurement means.

answer the question… yes or no?

Of course it straightens… if you let it. The question is largely one of why let it and then how much. Or just keep it bent

As a matter of fact, I will fly into PA and meet you. We can go together for 2 full days of swing research, record the whole thing, and post the video and all of the data. The hotel room will be on me…I’ll take the couch.

It straightens to its maximum post impact and it straightens continuously throughout the downswing and through impact.

A am sure there is a GEARS machine somewhere in the Bay Area… I am not going to travel to the east coast to prove something I already know to be true. There is nothing that GEARS is going to tell me I don’t already know.

We don’t measure golf swing with stationary cameras. It’s irrelevant what optical illusions and parallax issues a 2D camera may show. It’s absolutely pointless.

That’s really a non-answer. I’m in PA. John is in SF

There is.

This is the last time I am going to ask you this simple YES or NO question.

If I hold a banana toward a camera so that we see the full curve of the banana, then I rotate that banana 90 degrees… do you understand that the curve would no longer be visible?

Do you understand this… YES or NO?

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I’m aware. He’s been extended an offer for 2 full days of swing testing on GEARS from the guys at Golf Evolution. I’ve offered gas money to the airport, to lead a crowd funding attempt to pay for the plane ticket, and now I’m offering to meet him there and pay for the hotel room…and I’ll rent the car to get to and from the facility. And I’ll take him out to a nice lunch and dinner each day. In exchange I get to video it and I or Golf Evolution gets the data in order to post.

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This is the last time I’m going to ask you…if I hold a banana toward a camera and then rotate it 90* and then rotate the camera 90* what will you see?

My time is more valuable than to make such a trip to prove something I already know. I might reach out to the Bay Area contact for a quick measure about holding shaft flex and keeping the right arm bent from P3 to P4.

Your time, as a professional golf instructor, is more valuable than an all expense paid trip to spend 2 free days on GEARS researching the golf swing? Wow. Okay.

Here is Jon Rahm at impact.

Bent right arm.

Not disputing that.

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