Science Validates Erickson

:sunglasses::point_up_2:t3: orbit pull

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Typical regret of a swinger after shooting 85 in a competitive round after beating balls for 3 weeks tryn to get the timing of the right arm extension

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This is the definition of my swing before ABS.

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Everybody’s right arm is extending through impact. Even John’s. Even Hogan’s. I think there’s a free 2 day GEARS offer on the table that would prove it.

The Flat Earth Society

:clown_face::v: Enjoy swinger vs hitter

The orbit pull is a butiful thang


Enjoy swinger vs hitter

The orbit pull is a butiful thang

Love the shaft flex :muscle::point_up_2:t3::point_up_2:t3::point_up_2:t3::point_up_2:t3::sunglasses:

Ben Hogan :golf::point_up_2:t3::point_up_2:t3::point_up_2:t3:

Your science is a joke…funny thing is, youre the flat earther. We know how to orbit… :nerd_face:

Where is that right arm now?

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@72holeouts Its really hilarious. Do people listen to an 18 handicap on a golf blog sitting in a chair :chair: screaming on his computer how JE shaft flex and orbit pull is flawed or do I listen to a Masters Champion?

Lol, these guys need to go play golf already.

swinger vs hitter :point_down::point_down::point_down::point_down::point_down:

The orbit pull is a butiful thang

Orbit pull maintaining shaft flex :muscle::point_down::point_down::point_down::point_down:

Can’t be done LOL

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It’s in the process of straightening just as it did the entire downswing. Thanks for asking.

Interesting how the right arm straightened :thinking: :face_with_monocle:

:point_up_2:t3::point_up_2:t3::point_up_2:t3::sunglasses: enjoy the rt arm my friend

Hitter :point_down::point_down:

Swinger :point_down::point_down::point_down::point_down::point_down:


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Lovn holdn shaft flex w orbit pull

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