Science Validates Erickson

Done bro…stop trying to milk secrets. Or read Hogan’s books and figure it out in the dirt. Go study all the FREE stuff that’s on this site, which describes everything I said above. Even goes into TGM stuff, so your P’s don’t get all mixed up. The search function is amazing.

Hell, just watch Hogan long enough and you’re bound to see it. It’s freaking obvious… :hear_no_evil: :see_no_evil: :speak_no_evil:

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The hands aren’t together forming a couple at a great distance from the CoM of the club. The stick is touching and being compressed down and into the ice. The trail hand is exerting linear force down and forward to drive the hockey stick into and along the ice, and I’d assume the other hand is pulling back some. This is absolutely nothing like what happens in a golf swing.


Orbit Pull :sunglasses::point_up_2:t3: Enjoy @Dubious @Fore_Thirty @JeffMann

Not seeing the similarities.

:sunglasses::+1::v::point_up_2:t3: enjoy

So he was driving the clubhead into the ground 3 feet behind the ball, compressing it into the ground, and dragging it through impact? Didn’t see it.


:sunglasses::v::+1::point_up_2:t3::golf: enjoy @Fore_Thirty @Dubious

Yes you are. Don’t even understand how the club would react differently if force was applied at the CoM vs the grip. Or if it was drug along the ground and force was across the shaft. :clown_face:

:sunglasses::+1::point_up_2:t3::clown_face: Enjoy @Dubious @Fore_Thirty

Yes. Teacher

Enter Moron

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Gets it

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Mike Bender shared a post on Instagram: "[ WRIST ANGLES ] Training the trail hand from delivery through impact 
Former NCAA Collegiate Golfer Ralph Baxley seen clarifying/taking part in an extremely important discussion - showcasing advanced...



If you work on impact and post impact. YOUR GOING TO BE A GREAT PLAYER.


Nothing quite says golf science like disregarding actual golf research, data, 3D, shaft strain gauges, and equipment engineers and manufacturers in favor of looking at video of hockey slap shots :joy::joy::joy::clown_face::clown_face::clown_face:

That’s not shaft flex :joy::joy::joy:. That’s just having shaft lead and keeping the hands ahead. That is not in any way, shape, or form what this conversation is about. As a matter of fact, John Erickson DOES NOT want you dragging the clubhead through or artificially having the hands ahead or excess shaft lean. That has nothing to do with shaft deflection.

