Science Validates Erickson

It’s ridiculous comparing the pole vault to a golf swing but there is actually forward bend of the pole as it releases the vaulter.

Most Important Positions in the Pole Vault - YouTube

The pole is usually straight as the vaulter’s hands leave the pole , then of course it rebounds into forward bend a little. But it’s never in lagging bend as the vaulter leaves the pole because one needs to maximise the transfer of all the potential strain energy from the pole into the vaulter.

Just seen a similar reply on another forum “Mann gets a bit deep in the weeds” by a poster called ‘flyingwedges’ (also apparently anti-science).

Hmmmm… wondering whether you are you another Bigbad059172 ? Oops Bigdad059172


:v: :sunglasses::point_up_2:t3:


“J Mann, Dubious and fore thirty are all wrx fan boys of the no casting no turning crowd”

More poison spread by you claiming others are wrx fan boys of the NTC crowd (ie. Monte Scheinblum’s theorised golf swing technique) when you advocate it to others on the MYGOLFSPY forum. You’ve even persuaded one of the posters to purchase the videos which must have given you some sense of triumph.

This is almost as good as those housewife show’s my lady friends watch…you guys gonna get back on point anytime soon?

As much as I love a good troll thread…stop before the knives come out. HAHA

It’s easy for the hockey player to create such a large positive torque when his trail hand is so much closer to the blade. Try asking that same player to replicate the same stroke with a golf grip at the butt end with a full backswing (not an abbreviated one like a golf punch shot).

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No problem, just gotta know how to use your body mass…

Enjoy :sunglasses::point_up_2:t3:

Please elaborate on what you mean by using more body mass?

Enjoy the Orbit pull :sunglasses::point_up_2:t3:

He is using a feel-based drill to improve the upper body pivot through impact. However, even if you replicated this movement with an actual golf club the shaft will still be in forward bend by impact.

Watch n learn :sunglasses::point_up_2:t3:

Even if I did, you couldn’t execute it…you don’t have the strength. We go through this time and time again with theory guys and gals. It’s just leverage. How would you leverage a golf club to strike the ball like a machine? Where would you want your body? etc.

Gotta me more of a conceptual thinker…geometrical using physics, interacting in space…moving in hyperslow motion. Force vectors, pulling and pushing in balance with your center of gravity (we call it chi). USE YOUR MIND TO BE YOUR OWN GEARS.

Think about fulcrums and pulley’s…how they are force multiplier and are found all through our anatomy, in the form of joints and myofascial lines. Try the program…learn something new. Maybe you don’t know it all…this stuff IS NOT rocket science, but it’ll bring all that knowledge you have into context.

Anywho, your mass has leverage points if you know where to be at 4:20, cause at 4:30 the ship is sailing with or without you.

Imagine if you knew that every day of the week, you could slot the club and hit it pure, EVERY DAY…what would that feel like? It’s leverage…

A lever by definition is:

le·​ver | \ ˈle-vər , ˈlē- \

Definition of lever

(Entry 1 of 2)

1a**:** a bar used for prying or dislodging something

b**:** an inducing or compelling force : TOOLuse food as a political lever— Time

2a**:** a rigid piece that transmits and modifies force or motion when forces are applied at two points and it turns about a thirdspecifically : a rigid bar used to exert a pressure or sustain a weight at one point of its length by the application of a force at a second and turning at a third on a fulcrum

b**:** a projecting piece by which a mechanism (see MECHANISM sense 1) is operated or adjusted


I mean…gotta know a lot more about how the body moves, but this is a good start I guess…

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There is nothing to learn from these videos that has any bearing on the flex of the golf shaft in a full swing (ie. with a 5 iron-Driver) , whether it be an ABS or what you categorise as a swingers action. You might have different feels but the shaft will still be in forward flex not lagging flex.

Hilarious :clown_face::point_up_2:t3:

Oh no! Not Chi and myofascia stuff again (Kelvin Miyahira theories).

Yes, I know about pulleys and the different types of levers and I understand that the human body uses various levers to help move things, including its own body segments. So now explain which specific levers you are using in your ABS swing technique to create kinetic energy in the club and why it’s different from a swinger?