Post Your Swing!

I don’t know if NRG Neil Gascoigne posted these previously, but thx to David Bain dbain123 for pointing me to two YouTube videos that Neil posted of his ABS golf swing. Seriously inspiring! That’s some great 430 line, post-impact pivot thrust, etc., all super example for all of us to emulate.

A short swing Neil Gascoigne NRG posted 1 year ago:

A fuller swing posted 4 years ago:

Neil, hope you don’t mind me sharing. Those of us who follow ABS, appreciate greatly, all that you do for all of us.


I was working on some mod 6 stuff. My best strikes and most powerful shots were when it felt like I was going to strike the ball with the back of the club head.


I overlaid the shaft and hands position/angle at address over my impact position. Not quite identical, but much closer than I ever was previously. My hands used to be higher and shaft steeper at impact, the sign of a less pivot driven motion. I can still get better….love the process.


Since my previous December 2023 swing videos, here’s another 1/2 year of additional drilling with Advanced Ball Striking modules 1,2,3,4,5 and 6. Compared to December 2023, while the changes are slight, the results are noticeably better.

What has changed is NOT that my good shots are better - in fact, they’re not. What has changed and is exciting, is that my bad shots are noticeably less bad. I miss it straighter, the dispersion is tighter. My scores reflect that.

Here’s my YouTube, just added some videos from today at the range, July 1, 2024:

While I’ll never be more than a mid-handicapper… ABS helps everyone, no matter what level we start with and where our ceiling is. Combining ABS with a much better short game and much better putting… I feel very fortunate to be able to play.

Couple of months ago, April 17, 2024 - a personal first, first time breaking par (-1) on a 18 hole round. Doesn’t matter that it was on my local executive course - it’s got tiny greens. The bottom line is, good golf is “boring golf” - hit a few good shots, miss all the rest in good places, don’t give it away.

Thx to ABS! This would not have happened otherwise.

Even at age 65, even when the body is slowing down… every day can be just a little bit better than the day before. :slight_smile:


Nice swing, great rhythm. Breaking par (I wish) … congrats :slight_smile: Looking forward to start my own ABS journey.

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I continue to find that my arthritic thumbs prevent me from hitting the impact bag, even lightly. However, I have found that even doing Module 1 and 2 “in the air”, without the bag, while clearly not as efficient… after now roughly 18 months of doing the ABS drills daily, that the above July 2024 swing videos of mine clearly show a progression.

The Best News: NOTHING ELSE other than ABS drilling, in my 50 years of playing golf, has caused the kind of positive actual change in the movement patterns that I make, the videos to me clearly show that.

Also, what has changed is NOT that my good shots are better - in fact, they’re not. What has changed and is exciting, is that my bad shots are noticeably less bad. I miss it straighter, the dispersion is tighter. My scores reflect that.

I am continuing to drill. Finding that ABS drilling and resulting play has it’s ups and downs. I think that’s a normal progression. Lately I am finding that my post-impact pivot has improved to the point, that if I don’t fire my hands enough, I miss everything right. Thus now I am revisiting Module 1 again.

It seems this is a normal type of progression.

I am sure this is why “TwoMasters” has for years advised us ABSers, to just keep on “Drill, Baby, Drill!”

I’m trying to add a video from my iPhone but doesn’t seems to be working. Is that just me or do I need to convert it somehow?


I think that in order to post a video here, you might need to upload the video to a platform like YouTube (i.e. everyone with a Google / Gmail ID can go to YouTube and you’ll be able to create your own YouTube account into which you can then upload a video). Your iPhone has easy ways to upload a video on your iPhone to your YouTube account. From the YouTube, you can then copy and then cut/paste the link to your YouTube into your reply here.

When you paste the link into your reply, this forum automatically creates a big thumbnail and a link to your YouTube.

There may be other ways to do it (pls educate me!), but that’s what I did above.

In today’s modern social media world, it’s a good idea to have one’s own YouTube account and YouTube channel anyway. Comes in handy.

Hope that helps!

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I hope this works…


That works! Pretty good ABS swing there, LobbyBocke. You’ve been doing your ABS drills, it sure looks like. :slight_smile:

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Thanks for posting John!

The improvements are significant. Your lines are much tighter and it’s much more pivot driven than before. Good work!

Mod 3 is key to getting extra zip on the ball. Really work on that, and if you put the Mod 2 powerboard between your feet, that will help a lot as well when doing Mod 3.

4:30 line into Mod 3… as aggressive as possible into finish.

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Focus hard on the Mod 2 squeeze, then when you get to finish, make sure your upper left arm is parallel to the ground… and not dipping below.

Remember, post impact is low-left-around- then up…
Clubface looking at the target as long as possible.

Good work!


Thanks John! This particular shot was only 110ish yards or so and I was taking a little off of it, but it’s a good observation all the same as I definitely have a tendency to get a little sluggish post impact.

All the best

Lagpressure, Thank You! I really appreciate your inspirational feedback.


Holding shaft flex, getting better :+1:t3:

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While you can’t see from this view, been working on loading into a straighter right leg (at least it feels this way) and dropping my hips behind me and to the left (moving mass around the circle), which has helped in pulling everything above the waist through in a dynamic and repeatable way. One thing I’ve noticed is the subtle but noticeable stretch that occurs through the body and takes tensions off my left (lead) shoulder (since it is loaded with stretch force, not muscle pulling) in transition and through the hit, has lead to far better feel and consistent club delivery.


This is pure…jealous!


Thanks saw! This one was a few years ago before catching on to ABS/Bradley’s drills

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Yeah this is looking $Money$!

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Hello all. I’m a newbie here. I got keyed in by watching the BBG series with John Erickson. I’m tall (6’3) with a 6’7 wingspan but I’ve always played my best with a very flat swing and very rotational move. Over the years, teachers have tried to get me to swing upright to try and take advantage of my wingspan. Longer backswing, slinging release with my right arm. I’ve never been really flexible and have always had trouble externally rotating my right shoulder. Combine this attribute with that throwing release and you get left of left under pressure. Combining the 4:30 line with an open clubface, a flatter and shorter backswing, and storing my rotation a little longer in the downswing has transformed my game in the last month. I haven’t had a single left of left shot. The ball flight and sound of my strikes are drastically different. I had not shot even par for three years and I’ve shot even 3 out of the 5 times I’ve played over this month. The other two rounds were 3 and 4 over respectively. I’m thankful to be here to hear and see all of the insight. I’ll be getting started with the modules soon and look forward to the conversation. I’ll be posting a swing video soon. Thanks for reading!