How You Chose Your Forum Name..?

In the early 70’s, I was on a driving range one afternoon and a gentleman next to my stall said, “you need to read Hogan’s Power Golf”. I did, and then Five Lessons. When I read somewhere that Hogan was close to my body size, I was hooked. My first real set of irons where Hogans. I haven’t played any other manufacturer of irons except I lost my mind in the early '80’s and was fitted with a set of Ping Eye 2’s. I played them for a season and went back. (My bag now is all Hogan except putter, including the bag). When I was ready to join ABS I asked my wife for help with a forum name. In a split second she writes on a sticky note… “Hoganut”.

Hehe… how true. I can’t even discuss certain swing aspects with fellows from the local course. I get asked once in a while for my opinion and although I have exposed myself to a lot of information, my ‘best’ opinions are usually formed with what I’ve learned here. Some locals know that, and they find it very interesting, but some look at me like a ‘jedi’. Someone who is a ghost from the past with crazy messed up wizard ideas no one believes in. Such is the life of a K-Paxian I suppose. :wink:

Okay, aiguille…so now I know you are short in stature. :wink: Just curious about the technique. Of course, I’m just kidding. Your response above tells me everything I need to know…shorty. :wink:

Captain Chaos

CC…good to see that you got it! :smiley:

captain, I can assure you aguille is no midget. He’s not a giant either, except in his chosen profession.

Pretty good golfer too, shame we’ve not had a game in ages though!

I have enjoyed reading about everyone. It is nice to know people on a more personal basis.

As for me, my last name is Almond. As kids, my older brother was nicknamed 'bigalm" and since I was younger I was called “littlealm”. I haven’t thought of the name in years but being my first time on a forum I couldn’t think of anything creative so littlealm came to mind.

Since I worked at a golf course as a kid I guess I could have used; rangeballboy, greenskeeper, or golf-cart-wrecker (long story). Or I could have just used my real name which I have thought of many times. Go Tim!

rduhrin Robert D Uhrin—very original I know

After reading all of your fine posts, I decided to at least get my avatar up to par. With the last name of Uhrin (pronounced just like urine), I have had alot of nicknames over the years but the 1 that stuck was Pisser. Back in high school many years ago, my dad’s friends called him peeps (short for pee pee) and my friends called me pisser. Needing a name for my younger brother, my buds started calling him tinkle. Still good for a few laughs.

Thanks for all of your great posts.

RD - I’m still chuckling as I type this. :smiley:



I had to read your post to my wife because she wanted to know what I was laughing about. You must have grown up with a sense of humor. I now feel pretty good about the nickname, littlealm.

Thanks for posting.

“Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don’t!” Sorry littlealm, I’m sure you’ve heard that one a billion times. I’ll be more clever next time. :wink:

Captain Chaos

Just so you know Captain, if you are going to challenge a Almond to a round, Almond’s have nuts!!

And you are right, I have heard it a billion times. That and many others. Most I have made up. If you can’t laugh at yourself who can you laugh at?

Mine’s obviously pretty straight forward with mashie being an old 5-iron…It’s just a name I picked many moons ago with my first e-mail account and have stuck with it…The 72 is just a score that I’m happy with whether I shoot one that day or not…

But does anyone know who the avatar is? Or is that too easy too? :wink:

I had been wondering who that was, please tell us :slight_smile:

It’s Garry Kasparov one of the great minds in chess…like many of the people here in this fine forum.

I’ve always liked chess as a kid and have a deep respect for anyone who can tackle Fritz (Chess program)

Damn, Mashie…I thought you were Curtis Strange having taken a pic with your webcam

Ahh yes, Kasparov. That’s why he looked familiar!

No to Curtis but somewhat do resemble Fred Funk…Several years ago I happened to get bumped up to First Class on a flight leaving Houston right after Fred won the tournament and coincidently had a brand new wedge in my hand on the plane…Some dude came up to me and offered his congratulations for my fine play over the weekend… :unamused:

Remember those days when a you could hand carry club on the plane? Now it’s a weapon of mass destruction

Ha! I’d be surprised if one is allowed to carry tees on board now.