Worldly Words of Wisdom

“You do not define anyone or anything by your judgments. You are only exercising your ego’s need to perpetually judge someone or something.”

“Try going a whole day without judging anything”

Dr. Wayne Dyer

“Strangers are just friends waiting to happen.”

-Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs passed away yesterday. I don’t know if he played golf, but he shares three good stories of his life here to ponder. Well worth a watch.


True testimonials always have a way of adding up somewhere along the line…Great post Eagle. :smiley:

He certainly didn’t do things conventionally. Just a reminder how important our health is and how fragile we are without it… I don’t think it was ever about the money for Steve. One of my friends knew him a bit in the mid 70’s and had some interesting stories about him to say the least.

I heard this one recently …

“In men whom men condemn as ill
I find so much of goodness still.
In men whom men pronounce divine
I find so much of sin and blot
I do not dare to draw a line
Between the two, where God has not.”

  • Joaquin Miller

“Give me the making of the songs of a nation and I care not who makes its laws.”

-Andrew Fletcher, 18th-century Scottish political philosopher

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