TGM is quite different from other golf instruction books…
TGM is based upon law, physics, mathematics, geometry and so forth. LAW. If you argue TMG principles, you’ll have to win arguments with the likes of Einstein, Bohr, Gamow first.
Most golf instruction books should be in the fiction section of the bookstore, and might rightly be “for entertainment purposes only”
. Most instructors teach with smoke and mirrors… Why? The same reason people go to see a magicians showcase… it captures the imagination.
“Complexity is far more simple and workable than mystery” TGM
The only mystery of TGM is that it was written from an observation based perspective, and not from the perspective of a great striker like Hogan or Snead.
What the great strikers can tell us is how these things need to feel within the body…
Although I have great respect for Homer’s work, it is not without it’s oversights… in particular, the complete omission regarding vertical and horizonal
ground forces that need to be both addressed and applied to properly strike a golf ball. There are several options available here just like other component
Swingers and hitters also have different protocols for sensing body connection and cohesive body tension applications. Even grip pressures should have their own
component categories. These are very important concepts and should not be overlooked… even the 5th accumulator.
Regardless, there is a lot of wonderful information in Homer’s work, and I give much credit for what I learned in my youth under the watchful eyes of both
Ben Doyle and Gregg Mc Hatton. Their vision of a pure unadulterated CF strike upon the ball is very admirable… however I question it’s practicality for most.
The greatest “swinging” protocol I ever saw was Moe Norman. I have no doubt that Moe’s procedure for ball striking from a swinger’s platform is the most
fundamentally sound action one could apply.
From the hitter’s platform I would say Ben Hogan. From direct and personal knowledge I would say Peter Senior in the late 80’s and Greg Norman. Of course
Lee Trevino I saw as well.