My swing thoughts recently was to not think of my hands and arms…but the shoulders. If you do a practice swing…most of us probably swing our shoulders all the way thru with no thought without any pivot stall, basically free wheeling from back swing to finish. But once we get to the ball, I catch myself pivot stalling when the hands get to the ball. The idea is to not stop for whatever reason and let your training take into effect. Basically let yourself free wheel like you did on your practice swing without stalling, and of course while maintaining ground pressures, good knee flex, and spine angle tilt.
If I focus on my shoulders only to swing back and thru without stalling…I give myself no chance to think of my arms and hands and they react naturally from my training, if you trained enough. It feels like a late hit, and the feeling is very real. My best swings is when my hands and arms trail my right shoulder as I swing thru with the upper arms pact and a late hit occurs and you see the ball push out of your right pocket towards the target. It almost feels like I am hitting the ball with my right shoulder and accelerating even more from p4 to finish.
Module 3 has to be strong to finish the shot with distance and accuracy. I can tell a huge difference in distance and the way the ball is compressed from not finishing module 3 strongly, basically cutting off the shoulder turn after your hands reach the ball… Also if my feet is not anchored thru the shot, particularity the right foot, I tend to lose distance and consistency as well, as my ground forces are lost. I still have a long ways to go… but its a good start so far…
Does anyone have the feeling of significant pressure up the left hand/arm just after the start of drill 3, where the pivot is working hard but the hands/arms are still low and locked to the sides? It’s not something I try to do, but it feels like the pivot is moving the club upwards and the arms are pushing it down. The main path is still around to the left with the handle at that point.
Thanks for the responses guys. I will be adding this intention to my Mod 3 drills. I like how the pull with the left arm seems to really bring me around to a full finish in the drills.
I brought lots of hitting from the top with me into the program. I think that still bites me, especially when I feel like I want to crank one out there. Last few weeks I have been added that feeling of the arms being along for the ride in mod 3 drills. I sometimes like to think that my right elbow leads rather than any thought of my arms or hands leading. This may go along with Grady’s thought of the right shoulder moving faster than the right arm/hand.
Made some changes to my setup and release. Moving the left elbow so that there is a cup in the left wrist at setup gives a different feel. Also I changed my release to try and rotate my clubface closed while keeping the left elbow pointing at the target into impact.
I’ve noticed the change in release helps me turn left more and keep the hands tighter around the body. Also I feel turning the left elbow in for the left wrist cup helps me cut left as well instead of out or DTL.
I really like the changes, I feel I am delaying release and generating speed right into the ball and it has increased the effective loft on the club through impact.
very good to see the clubface open coming into P3. This really gives the green light to fire hard and turn level through the strike.
As your hand action and forearm rotation improves, you’ll be able to flatten the shaft easier coming into impact. Trying to flatten the shaft only usually leads to a flip of the hands or a premature straightening of the right arm to square up the clubface. It’s not wrong to do this… just not ideal because that action require more timing and works independent from the pivot action.
Thank you very much, it is indeed difficult to make the change initially but boy does the strike sound different and the ball just flies. It’s amazing how the little details in the setup and the action of the left elbow and forearms in release can make a change upstream from the strike.
I’m not really focusing on anything different at p3 but there it is.