Swing Postings

To my eyes it’s still coming down steep and thrusting the right arm. ?


Actually in Grady’s defense he reroutes the club onto elbow plane late in the downswing. One more frame and you’d see it. I actually feel like Grady and Diz swing now more like Knudson in his later years. A little more hands releasing through impact. Not a bad thing. Hogan’s “ideal” release around here isn’t really followed by most other great ball strikers. His was more of an anti-hook move. This place is a little too dogmatic about that post impact position, it will change depending on the shot.

Grady into impact - imgur.com/a/fykcN

No problem with the constructive criticism. The practice swings are my intention. A little of that seeps into actually hitting balls. I am working on post impact intentions that much further left than I have ever worked before. In executing those intentions, which are conscious at this stage, I have to “think” about them. I had an image of my right elbow going to my left hip pocket from the top. So the result is a bit steep from ideal. Of course, I am also deal with a left rotator cuff partial tear so I am just not going to slot it as deep as I normally could because the movement that hurts is CW forearm rotation.

Is the right arm still thrusting? Maybe a bit. But it is still bent in the still below. What is remarkable when you look at this pic to where I was before I started ABS you will see the “backout” that I came to ABS with is virtually gone.

The path isn’t bent as much as I like but it is bent more than it was. On the issue of steep I will say one of the things I am trying to reconcile is avoiding steep while still working the right elbow at the ball in transition. Working the right shoulder will cause the club to layoff, but you are also using up some rotation to get it which will generally throw the arms out more in front of you and cause you to steepen. Here is a still of a driver swing yesterday where I really was working on that right elbow/shoulder move in transition. The result was a shot that started straight and faded quite a bit. So there is some work to do in reconciling these intentions I am playing with.

I am confident in saying this represents my best swing since starting ABS, knowing what I am supposed to feel. The post impact speed is remarkable. The idea of crossing that sagittal plane right at impact and impact being marked with a “X” of 45 degree angles is interesting to me. The hard part is figuring out how to transition from one line to the other to the other.

Grady Bending Post Impact.jpg

Grady Layoff 2014.jpg

Grady, my point is your release is perfect!

I want to see video evidence from the people who claim to release low and left from FO and DTL.

You have the perfect intentions that you bend the handpath earlier from parallel 3 on in front of you…
My feel is I bend the handpath from release point on 180 degree to the left - but on
video it looks on-plane.

I like your swing - of course. Did you know that the only difference in our swings is that I am a hip slot player and you
are a mid-torso slot player:

Low and left? Actually the butt end has the lowest point at release point, like all good players and then it raises thru the impact interval.


Uups, I reached the max of 10 attachments…



That was the constructive part…


Here is a video of a practice swing that shows what my intentions are. As you can see it layoffs well but the shaft is a bit steep than ideal in DS and then it goes much harder left than in my real swings.
youtube.com/watch?v=IIOMLKL … e=youtu.be

I want to live where Chris lives…no color, grey grass, and then no worries about mismatched socks.

Yes sure, but let me warn you… my pull hook pattern is exactly this - bending the handpath too much:

Sometimes I give it a try - but I couldn´t master it until now…


Do you think that’s what Corey Pavin is achieving with his unusual practice swing? Is his exaggerated motion helping promote that “swing left” move in his real swing?

I think this has been discussed before, but I can’t recall what was said.

Thanks to 1T for finding this reference by Tom Watson to Corey Pavin’s practice swing


Yes, yes and yes. I have posted the video of the clinic where Watson describes his lightbulb on Thunderdome many times. As Chris points out the issue with this focus is bending left too soon. Blending the layoff, 4:30 line and this left explosion is the trick. I say explosion because that is what it feels like. Martin talked about a pitching machine and that is a good description. The problem with his method was that he didn"t teach how to control the club or how to get to that 4:30 line. I haven’t figured out the trick yet. The obvious though is I have to wait until delivery to make the move left. How I do that is what I am currently pondering. My suspicion is I need to trigger that move in the left armpit.

He is on the 4:30 line nfb, only above it and staying high and TURNING THAT which gives the pressure back to layoff land- like a two dimensional chess board you can play from the lower level, or higher level, or both, but the board squares line up in both vertical and horizontal dimensions regardless of number of chess board layers if my lack of knowledge about chess boards in more than one dimension is accurate. Where is Spock when you need him :laughing:

The obvious though is I have to wait until delivery to make the move left.

Move what left? :slight_smile:

Man this game is funny.

I was looking at my postings when i was hitting a cut and draw and noticed how bad my legwork had gotten. It really stuck out to me when I was looking at some video of seve hitting shots. Today I went to the range and tried to mimic seve’s legwork by maintaining some more flex in my left knee and i hit it damn well. It gave me an entirely different release feeling. It felt easier to keep the handpath tight around my body and I didn’t feel throw in my wrists.

I saw that I had more in common with mcilroy than seve and that stung. pics - i.imgur.com/FFFvpDv.jpg

The middle pic is my original pic (in orange) and the outside pic (black) is me improving my legwork.

The swing - youtube.com/watch?v=Nlh6R0E … e=youtu.be

stills from the swing - imgur.com/a/ad5tQ

Hey guys,

Just had to comment on this since I feel like I have accidentally discovered this whole bending left idea, and it’s really helped my ball-striking. What I realized was that, from 4:30 line, if I continued my hands out towards the ball (as was always my instinct), it’s much harder for the club to take a shallow approach to the ball. If instead I started cutting things left almost right from 4:30, it seems like the club approaches the ball from a much better position. It also seems like I can really free wheel it more through impact with mod 1 doing it this way rather than almost having to hold it off a touch when my path was more right. Does any of this sound remotely correct, or have I misunderstood this idea?

Yes that is consistent with my current thinking. It feels like you are moving the left arm in front of the ball as you view it from bird’s eye…like your path will be left before the ball. That isn’t the case of course unless you bend it early and never find the 4:30.

Working on trying to get hands down to address angle at impact…it feels like I am brushing the ground with my right hand. Still don’ understand why my head works a bit left on the DS from DTL on the 7 irons. To do this I just have to be more deliberate with my acceleration.


Grady, wanted to run something by you (and anyone else too).

You and Diz were discussing moving the club down the “3rd base line” post impact. I was trying to incorporate this into my Mod 3 drills with not a great amount of success. But then I think I stumbled onto something. I was reading some old posts in BOMs Small World forum and saw some Hogan images that got me thinking. Just past P4 you see him with his forearms bulging and his left arm beginning to fold. I combined this image with the idea of orbit pull and thought that maybe the left arm folding after impact is not just a reaction to the right arm straightening. So, I am wondering if this is an intention after impact to deliberately have the left arm pulling the club left? I tried this in my mod 3 drill today and I notice an increase in acceleration past P4. Am I on the right track with this?


Here is the picture that piqued my interest in this.

It appears to me that he is trying to pull the club inwards (aka orbit pull) trying to prevent the club from flying down the line.

Obviously I am not one of the people the question was aimed at, but I agree with you 100%. I think the left elbow should be pulling into you and slightly behind you as you get in to your follow through. I don’t know where you got the idea that it just passively sits there but I don’t agree with that. If you look at any Hogan footage you can see that he is pulling with his left AND pushing with his right. He is also turning his body hard at the same time. Snead did basically the same through the ball. The arms don’t go flying down the line even though they might appear that way from the caddy view. Btw, I am sure you’re aware, but that is Johnny Miller in the second photo.


Absolutely orbit pull is deliberate, and occurs before impact and thus before the right arm straightens. I brought significant right arm thrust to ABS and because of that I have to really work on the orbit pull. I also think there is merit in the intention to have the right shoulder to accelerate faster than the right arm from p3 to p4.