Swing Cancer, Carcinogens

This one is a little abstract. I’ve found over time that teeing the ball up without naturally flexing into the action with my knees, sets up and aids in an incorrect relationship between me and the ball. Going down into the teeing action, using knee flex is a really great pre shot practice and encourager of the correct action to get down to that point. If you bend down at the waist without knee flex, I reckon it sets up a bad relationship or subconscious understanding of how to get down to the ball. Like I said, it’s a bit abstract, but I’ve found great value in these little daily actions being performed functionally.

LOL Thanks Captain for the laugh at work :slight_smile:

We have a guy in the club notorious for this. Everyone knows it but I think he still believes he is getting away with it. (he is a pretty solid 28 handicapper)

I think that probably is a cancer for your game. Cheating. The only way to get better is to put down the score you really got then evaluate and improve on it.

I remember cheating once when I first started playing golf at a club. Put a 5 instead of a 6 down on the card and wow did I feel bad for the rest of the round. Played the worst golf I had ever played up to that point!


I’ve developed the art of forgetting about a bad shot to such a fine degree that sometimes I forget to include it in the score at first.

“What dya get?”


“But didn’t you chip out from behind the bush?”

“Ah yeah, 6 sorry.”

Classic. Though you should change your response to ‘yeah, I’m only counting the good ones today, make it a 2’… Don’t know if you’ve read any Rotella books but he quotes Mark Twain as saying- ‘The inability to forget is infinitely more devastating than the inability to remember’ … sounds like you’re doing okay…