Sequencing the power accumulators with proper intentions

This video on weight transfer is not taking into consideration the pace or quickness of the backswing… which is a huge determining factor.

With a quick backswing, you can really load a lot of weight onto the right foot and that weight can stay loaded on the right foot into the downswing. Ideally we would want the weight transfer happening through the strike… not right from the top.

I have demonstrated on our youtube channel that I can strike a golf ball well with 100% of my weight on my right foot at impact with the one legged strike. This of course is an extreme exaggeration, but shows that the early transfer of weight left is not mandatory to hitting the golf ball properly. With a slow backswing, you would not be able to do this…

OK, I’m no golf expert, and far be it from me to asperse “one of the best,” but I think that it’s pretty clear that this is a mis-application of the technology. What those monitors are measuring is how much each foot is pressing into the ground, which is not the same as “how much weight is on each foot” unless a person is statically in one position.