ebay.com/itm/321013991428?ss … 1438.l2649
I bet there is someone lurking to snag this but … oh well … 
Anyone know anything about this machine, the lie setting looks like it only goes to 53 deg… can’t really tell…
currently resting at $227.00 on ebay , don’t know if it is worth the risk, the cheapest Golf Smith Machine is $319.00, and the cheapest Maltby vise mounted one $149.00… both look kinda chinsy…
18 hrs left…ebay
Getting tired of going to the shop for bends, and my vise is messing up my jewels
(cubs that is !)

Hey Dale,
I’ve had a Scotland machine for maybe 13 years now. At the time I bought it new for $750 without the stand and was considered one of the better machines. I’m happy with mine. Last year the brass bending bar broke, but took it to a welder who reattched the head probably better than it came from the factory.
However this machine looks like it has some high miles on it to me. Perhaps under $350 would be a good buy? Plus it might be older than mine because it doesn’t have the 64 degree loft slot. You can bend the irons as flat as you want and take a good guess that the lie is 51 degrees with your 1-iron 
Hope it helps
Thanks Mashie !,
I thought it looked a bit worn to, do not know if parts could be found if needed…
thanks for the info !..
I was watching this one also and was very tempted to bid. Ended going with a used Golfsmith low end machine that was missing the T clamping bolt on ebay. Time to source one of these suckers…
Ended up not bidding , went for 267.99, which tells me that another higher bid snipe was just around the corner…
tough to drop $300.00 on something that old… too many unknowns for me…
Wonder if an ABS’er got it ?