Science Validates Erickson

I just created a GEARS thread for these discussions.

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I ask again. You are intent on educating us. What are your qualifications that will have us respect your opinions on the golf swing?

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JE has no measure to prove he is doing what he feels. Those videos are not very convincing and I know that some were contrived because he deleted my posts showing suspicious frame images as evidence - fact!

Biomechanics sometimes shows up differences between ‘feel and real’ but ABS followers always seem to come down on the side of feel every time. They are deeply entrenched in their beliefs and cannot accept any alternative explanations while having the audacity to call others ‘flat earthers’.

The forum is full of ABS posters who resort to immature name calling with condescending and sarcastic remarks, especially when their deep-seated beliefs are threatened.

I asked a golf scientist for his personal opinion on the physics of shaft flex claimed by JE and he simply said the following:

“I really doubt he has instrumented his swing to the point that he knows he’s getting backward bend coming into impact. But let’s assume, probably contrary to fact, that he is. How much backward bend? Two inches? (That would be quite a bit.) So that is adding perhaps 4 pounds of force to the clubhead striking the ball. That’s 4 pounds out of about 2000 (the typical average force applied by a well-struck driver over the 0.4msec of impact). So even if he could, the effect would be minuscule.”

Isn’t JE a member of TROG ?

An organization whose function is to preserve golf as it once was with short courses and persimmon clubheads. Although I have no issue with TROG, it does seem to be very anti-science in golf culture which may explain the reticence for JE and ABS followers to test their shaft flex beliefs.

That seems to be a very broad opinion of people you have probably never met. This is stereotyping and shows bias in your opinion.

Do you hold the same bias with hickory golfers? They too represent an organization whos goals are to preserve a style of play.

Who is this “golf scientist”? Has he ever tried to swing a club in a way that would hold shaft flex? Where are the studies that show how much force is being applied to a golf ball (both with and without the intent of holding shaft flex)?

JE has no measure to prove he is doing what he feels

… except for using very high tech high speed shutter camera to show it is possible.

Proven… beyond a doubt… shaft flex can be held through the strike.

Further showing shaft flex can be maintained beyond an abbreviated backswing…
Here connecting Module 1 to Module 3 via Module 2