Right Shoulder in ABS

I like the stop action also…very revealing…especially the pelvic thrust garbage.

IOZ Will get to some excerpts from Norwoods work maybe today if I get a chance…last night our 15 year old Westie decided he didn’t want to shag balls anymore and suddenly died. So a few things to do.

In the meantime…mostly his work with shadows concerned how certain movements will increase arc widths and certain moves will shorten them. That notwithstanding, he really has some good information on L arm extensor action…way ahead of it’s time…and he said that Hogan had the best left arm in the business.

I’ll try to get some words about that up when I can. But I note there is a Norwood topic area in Advanced Concepts, so I will put something there. RR

Now I could be a complete mo-ron (I know I know) on this . . . . but I DO think Hogan did a “hump” move . . . he just humped a goat around the corner . . . . to steal a phrase my man 8iron . .

Hogan doesn’t look like this at impact. This is round about P4. Humping the goat is done during the impact interval right?

Sure! goat humping from a “purist goat humping” stand point to my mind would be humping a goat at the target line . . . . hogan for sure humps . . . he just humps a goat (let’s call it a sheep) over to his left . . . so hogan is a sheep humper not a goat humper . . .

here’s no humping at all . . .

Think I see what you mean now.
Do you see this sheep humping as a ‘bad’ thing?

I guess there’s more to it than I was seeing…again.

I was impressed with Hogan keeping his shaft on plane, or even below, vs the guy who is straightening/standing up and has allowed his shaft to get steeper.

I know TGM says impact is not the same as address,…everyone says that don’t they? I don’t think they advocate straightening up like that guy is doing as opposed to Hogan.

It’s one thing to do an “impact fix” at address, but another to be able to return the shaft on plane dynamically during the swing. I know, being a violator of this goal.

Goat humping/ sheep humping/ purists…CC, can you weigh in on this? :smiley:

Sheeps, goats or pigs…humping toward the target line is a no-no prior to, and at impact…in my experience it means that things are going too quickly from the top, and the levers are releasing too early from the top because the pivot is not doing its job.,across the chest kind of stuff. Or OTT will cause some of that too because lever extension is happening early.

I’m sure Captain has some great ideas about humping…but maybe a different image :laughing: RR

He may say something like:
“Sheep humping is only advisable when in front of a water hazard because in that case the sheep will provide an opposing humping force.” :laughing:

Humping in my mind is good . . . long as you do it at the right time and in the proper direction/location . . . . check out them long driver types . . . Zubak does some MAJOR humping . . . Hogan was a humper . . . just not a goat humper . . . . look up caber tossing . . . . it’s like Hogan was doing a caber toss to his left and around the co’ner.

Here you go: Caber Tossing: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caber_tossing

[weighing in]

The Captain doesn’t do bestiality…the closest thing would be Kama Sutra positions with animal names. Though I’m certain pets have observed or been displaced by vigorous sexual activities. (note: no animals were harmed during the making of any films) :wink:

Captain Chaos

[weighing out]

So what’s the essence of this humping and goat humping? I’ve never heard the terms…

I think Mac used the term “Pelvic Thrust” and I have heard “tailbone release” also.

A lot of players end up with the big reverse C thing which is fine when your 20. The thought of it sends me to
the chiropractor.

There are other options here.

I think the goat humping term originates or was at least popularised by Slicefixer (aka Geoff Jones). My understanding is that it relates to an unintentional loss of posture / spine angle / tilt / flexion (whichever term is right :wink: ) through impact and is often associated with pivot stall. The pelvic thrust / tail bone release I think is more often seen as a post impact thing, often seen by some schools of thought to be desirable e.g. in S&T, some MORAD patterns etc

Here’s some old Hogan footage . . . . still “leaning/backing into it” . . .

Hips still going forward not as much and spine not extending like in the day . . .


I thought this one was pretty cool . . . . this coulda been when he was a field mice terrorist . . .



The right hip and right foot have different motions in the 2 eras IMO. In Power Golf (pg 149 in my copy) a caption under a post impact face on image ends with “…note the right foot”…

Not that I am suggesting this is a Dan Brown style message from the past …but it always struck me as a little strange that he never makes much reference to the right foot during paragraphs…but his right foot is in an interesting position at this point of his swing…and a different position to the way it was in the 1930s images…even allowing for the variation in camera angles IMO.

Glad you enjoyed my youtube “goat franchise” series…

I like this one too…


Dude! You . . . . .are officially my golf hero of 2011!!! Is it possible to put a post wreck swing in their with the '30’s comparison?

YOU ROCK!!! . . . . oh and uh . . . would it be possible to lease one of them goats . . . . I got a New Years party I’d rather not go stag to???

here is the sequence of pics to do it with- 1954


Just adding this picture to this discussion of Nick Price from 1993 showing address and impact- like the goat hump movies :smiley:

Price does a good job of returning the shaft/butt pretty close- no surprise

Many have debated over the years that impact and address are not really that much alike,… maybe it all depends what you look for?


Check this video out from Elk. Click on the featured video link.
