Possible Solution to 3-Wood Problem



How about Lag as the Lone Ranger and the speed of Silver being his post impact pivot!!

Most drivers are 45" off the shelf. Ping’s are 45.75" and people wonder why they hit them longer. I played with a guy 2 weeks ago who had a 47" shaft. To his credit, he hit it pretty well and accurately and probably hit it much further than a normal club he would’ve been fitted for. But, the ramifications to his swing probably would make him a good driver of the ball for his handicap, but a weak iron player. He did mention that the iron game gave him fits.

I’ve seen a lot of former Mac O’Grady students…the ones who have gone to at least 4 of his classes (the ones that go to 1 or 2 classes never really ‘get it’ and come away frustrated)…I’ve seen the longer students all use a ‘swing left’ (CP Release) with the modern driver. These are all different body profile people as well. I think that most can probably do the ABS ‘swing left’ with the modern driver. I’m sure there are some who will never quite achieve that…happens in every walk of life. But I think most can. You just have to know what you are doing and work hard at it.