I have been talking to Diz (over on Thunderdome) privately about getting his legs involved in his action for a while. A lightbulb finally triggered for him and he now has the last piece.
We are taught this in Mod 2, but I have my own take on it. It begins with a pyramid stance. Diz issue was he aimed his right knee “in” and restricted his hips on the backswing…so he was so tight his only option was to give up the pressure and release the right knee early thus going into early extension and hitting hit balls into the Oklahoma wind.
Instead the right hip needs to turn on the BS, and with it the right knee will move a bit as well. This sets up the Snead squat where the knees oppose each other in transition, and the space between the knees is maintained until delivery.
Here is Faldo at setup (pyramid) and at the top (note the right knee).
Here is Hogan at delivery (note the space between his knees):
The greatest at it in action:
And me working on this very thing a while back:
John does it also: