You should watch the video to hear him talk about his shuffle- the reason is the opposite of what you said…I thought that was funny
BOM: Watched the video…Maybe I missed something
What I get from watching that is at his “normal” address, the ball position didn’t look good to him…so he moved everthing forward to get the ball further back in his stance. I guess it would kinda be like this. All things being, if the very last thing we did before pulling the trigger was to move the L and R foot closer to the target, the ball would be further back in our stance which would require one to really play catch up to prevent the ball from going right. That’s the point I was trying to make in this mad mad world
This was the comment I was referring to. In the video he says that he didn’t like the look of the ball in the middle of his stance even though he needed it back there. His shuffle allowed him to see the shot with the ball up in his stance and then move it back where it needed to be without it looking bad to his eye. That seems to be the opposite of what you’re quote says. It’s not a big deal I just thought that was kind of funny…
BOM: Your right…I did get that backwards…not what I meant to say. Think I’ll have some warm milk and cookies then take a nap…my brain is fried. RR
At the distinct risk of beating a dead horse I just want to clarify that it wasn’t about you getting it wrong so much as I thought it was kind of funny how it played out- I’m all about getting things wrong or putting thoughts out there to see how they look. Sometimes, if not all the time, off the cuff humour gets lost over this internet… I thought twice about posting my “humourous observation” and should’ve really thought thrice!..
Bom & RR…IMO the 2D screen doesn’t tell the whole story…Trevino’s ball position in relationship to the target line never changed (off the left heel-ish) pre and post shuffle but in relation to his body line it sure did…90* to his body line (which seemed to be at a 45-ish to the target line post shuffle), the ball was in the middle or maybe even a rat-hair back of center…so standing there live watching him hit the ball from a caddy view, he is playing the ball off his left heel-ish pre and post shuffle…but I’ll bet from his eye it looks like the ball is in the middle of his stance while not feeling like he is aiming right of the target…IMO he didn’t have a left hip like Hogan so that is what he did…IMO that is why he hit it so straight.
I would be interested to hear lag & two’s take on it…thanks
I have this explained in the private student area which I call the “rotated plane line” (Treviino) with diagrams and such…
but basically, if you move the ball back, that can either mean a deep punchy divot, or you can come into the ball much more from the inside and work a shallow divot starting the ball out much more to the right than what the alignment of the body would suggest. I play golf to this day like this.
When I was younger, I could always bail out on a shot and block it way right…could do that all day long… I finally realized that is not a bad way to play golf.
So you are absolutely correct… the ball is not really back in the stance, and this is great way to hit a golf ball.
On the backswing his shoulders rotate on an axis left of the target … on the downswing do his shoulders reroute on an axis down the target line?