JUMBOMAX Grips and Grip Weighting

ABS Community !
I have recently partnered with JumboMax Grips and want to introduce the community to these expertly made grips ! I have had a major breakthrough with these grips to get my clubs to swing weight “heavier”. As a result, my drill work, hence my swing, has gone to a new level of the feeling the head and the shaft do what they’re supposed to do. The grips themselves are very similar to a Golf Pride Tour Wrap. The weighting of the grips vary according to what your intentions are for your clubs. I use the Zen Lite SJ(standard jumbo). They are slightly bigger than a normal mid size Golf Pride and have the same tactile feel as a Tour Velvet. I now have them on all of my grips and my game has gone to a new level as a result !
Lastly, we(ABS) are VERY intentional with the set up of our sticks. I for one am extreme about it. For the longest time, I couldn’t quite get the modern driver to work consistently. As a result, I used a Mini Driver. It’s been great but since I play competitively, I’m giving up quite a bit of distance to the field. Until now……
I have a 9 degree TaylorMade QI10 head with a Fuji TR Ventus Blue. It was D1. Way too light. Felt like a feather. Made zero sense in my hands until I put the JUMBOMAX grip on. As soon as I put my hands on it and felt the club, MAGIC ! Because the grip weights approximately 30 grams lighter than the norm, the swing weight went from D1 to D9 ! Now we’re getting somewhere ! I took that thing out to the course that day and I absolutely stripped it !
I had the hardest time getting the weighting of every modern driver I messed with until now….
I am driving the ball as good and as consistently as I did w my Mini…
The rest of my clubs feel heavier, hence lighting up all of the mod/drill work we do here in ABS. I am so excited to launch into the Hogan mods now armed with how I want my clubs to feel, hence perform…

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So, is it correct to say you’ve been happy with the lighter grips as a way to increase swing weight? Have you found the larger grips helpful or just the light weights helpful? You can get lightweight grips outside of what jumbomaxx sells except nothing nearly as large.

I tried jumbo Maxx and didn’t like them; however, I used their original grips which were about double the weight of normal grips. I’ve found jumbo grips on the 65-70 Gram range work great for me. I can find them very cheap. I add weight to the heads to get swing weights back up to where I need them. Extra weight in the grips and the heads means my clubs have heavy total weights.

I have a “modern” driver (300cc titanium from 20 yrs ago) and have the heavy grips and about 15 grams added to the head. I hit the thing an absolute mile. It’s pretty heavy by modern standards, about 13 ounces. My old persimmon drivers tend to come in around 14.25-14.5 ounces with this method.

This is something I’ve been into for the past few years when I first tried the JMX Ultralite series…“came for the jumbo size, stayed for the swingweight manipulation” :stuck_out_tongue:

I just became familiar with ABS and I just went the other way on my next set of clubs, 110g counterweighted JMX Tour Series, 130g X stiff shafts and am going to add lead tape to get the total club weight up. Irons should be around half a kg… Might be a mistake but I will soon find out!

Glad you found something that works so well! Definitely recommend these grips, there’s something for everyone.

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Heavier swing weight always has felt great to me however, the weight for me has to be lopsided towards the head. The light weight JumboMax does it for me. This will pay dividends for me as I look forward to hitting the Hogan mods hard this Winter. The light weight grips will undoubtedly help me to “trip the shaft” in transition.
My grips aren’t that big btw. They are slightly bigger than a mid size golf pride. Bryson has the super huge ones.
The grips are bigger than normal so they go lockstep for me as I work on the mod 3 protocols. Just the size of the grips FORCE me to absolutely be MORE rotational thru the strike while lowering the chances of a stall, hence flip.
We are incredibly intentional about how we set up our gear in ABS. This grip technology might very well be the final piece in setting up our gear !
As far as bigger grips ? MOST of the greats had bigger grips.

I don’t buy that. Depends who you consider in the “greats”, but for most of the old players there’s not a lot of sources on their grip sizes. Most probably used standard grips of the time. They certainly didn’t use lightweight jumbos since that’s a recent development.

@Flaghuntersgolfpod - can you share your mini driver set up? Was thinking of getting one myself

It’s a 13.5 TaylorMade Mini. Shaft is 43.75 in. Shaft is a Graphite Design X and is 88grams. It swing weights at E2 with the Zen Lite SJ JumboMax grip

I’ve got some pretty good sources bro….

Very mysterious. Do you care to elaborate?

The whole different swingweight from heavier grip weight debate happens almost every week on all the golf forums.

Most of the reputable clubfitting/clubbuilding experts say they only take swingweight changes into account with a 50 gram grip and lead tape/removable head weights.

Hogan’s swingweights were low D’s but the total weights were very heavy. Heavy total weight matters more than heavy swing weight.

You find the grip that best fits your hands regardless of the weight of the grip, could be JumboMax XL size, and you add lead tape on the head until it feels heavy enough.

History has shown us that many different kind of grips have been used with great success.

Is the player using a glove? cord or leather, rubber, composite etc? Hand size, taper, length of grips as well. A lot of the older clubs had wraps going way down the shaft for more options to play shots.

Nicklaus put lead tape under his grips, Knudson liked his grips thin… “the feel of steel”.

One issue that concerns me particularly is the presence of “play” or lack of “play” between my hands and the shaft. I don’t like mushy grips because they can twist slightly on off centered hits and you definitely lose ball control when that happens.
I also think the same thing about golf shoes. The hard or stiff leather shoes with steel spikes were a much better connection to the ground with less “play” or movement between the earth and your feet.

I believe grips should be made of a stiff material… not flexible.

While it’s not talked about, it’s a real concern of mine most certainly.

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An update to this - with 110g counterweighted grips it took waaay too much lead tape to get the swing weight even to D4. Ended up taking them off and putting JMX ultralight XS 38g grips and boom swingweight of all irons in now D8 with the driver up to E, no lead tape required and they feel much better.

I see what John is saying about the softness of grips…this is definitely a weak point of these light jumbo grips, they have a low level of squish to them. I haven’t used a thin small grip is so long I forgot what it’s like but will have a few clubs with them to try soon.

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