Nice one John and Ralph, enjoyed both episodes…
So which of your students drives you particularly crazy lol!
Cheers, Arnie
The ones that don’t send in their videos!
Ha! I walked straight into that one…
That second interview was great. It really was nice to hear a little more of the philosophy of the ABS swing. I mean I consider myself to be here since the dawn of the ABS deal. (I’m not saying I’m any good… I’ve just been living ABS stuff for a long time.) And my point is I enjoyed hearing some stuff that I really didn’t know before… such as:
- I love rolling my left forearm back a lot. I worried about that. But when your arms are doing less, other junk has to do more, right?
- Putting? I had no idea putting was such a nemesis for you (at times). (I still think putting is an artist’s thing… and I was an artist. It’s not a mechanics thing. I’m just putting that out there.)
- Moe’s start up. Some of my best ABS moments on the range or the course, I started ‘pre-setting’ a bit back of the ball, semi turned. Now I know why I did, and why it worked.
- Flat clubs. For the love of whatever you believe in, I know we heard this more than any other swing ‘type’ out there, but I enjoyed this take on it. (I"ve heard it described many ways. This was a bit different.)
- Bicycle vs Tricycle. Lag, some of us just like knowing we aren’t going to fall off.
- TGM. I really didn’t know how involved you were in at such a young age, 14? Wow. Even if there are things you would like to change about it, what a great exposure to have as a youth.
And finally, I’d like to add that I think I am easily one of your top 3 most frustrating students. I don’t ‘like’ to think that, just I have a feeling it’s true. lol