Hello Mr. Hughes,
I am a new student and was asked by Lag to introduce myself. Until now I have never posted on a Forum. I hope I do it right. That being said, I have read many golfing Forums but never participated.
First, I have enjoyed viewing your golfing history. Pretty cool at age 15 to have a party with Greg Norman not to mention all of your incredible accomplishments. I spent many hours over the years watching Mr. Norman. The “Shark” and I are the same age. I have to concede he is a much better golfer and that is why I am here.
I worked at a course during my school years and was able to play with very good golfers. Although I could get around the course pretty well and even won a trophy at age 13, I was never a consistent solid striker of the ball. I got away from the game for years, playing occasionally, but it has always been in my soul with past thoughts of playing on the tour still creeping in. I have a lot of nostalgia regarding golf sometimes thinking why didn’t I practice more or believe in myself and not get discouraged and give up. I still pop in Follow the Sun and live the Hogan romance. You probably see tour life a little different with the good and the bad since you have done it but to me it is full or history and romance.
So here I am still wanting to watch the ball fly solidly off my club heading for the target. As Hogan said in Five Lessons, “One of the greatest pleasures in golf–I can think of nothing that truly compares with it unless it is watching a well-played shot streak for the flag–is the sensation a golfer experiences at the instant he contacts the ball flush and correctly.” And that is why I am here and excited to be part of this experience.
I am honored to get a chance to learn from you and John. Dave Almond (littlealm)