Honma Blades from mid 80's

Hi guys,

I’ve spotted some mid 80’s Honma blades (CL-708 +2 model) going cheap with stiff shafts in the UK. I wondered if anyone had any experience with Honma at all. TwoM might know given his time out in Japan? On the one hand I thought they might be fun on the other I have never liked the offset the Japanese manufacturers tended to have in their shorts irons in the 80’s. Any thoughts?

Cheers, Arnie

I used Honma 737 irons in Japan…I think the letters of the model were LP…?? Cavity blade style but great lookers
They are awesome clubs.
I seriously suggest you can’t go wrong with anything with Honma stamped on it from that 80’s-90’s
Wish I still had the Honma persimmon I used to hit…have no idea where it is…maybe in brother-in-laws closet with some other stuff?