Hogan Speedslot 404

To bring them in playing conditions I had to do something…

Just weeks ago I bought this book pretty cheap on ebay:
Maltby book ebay.jpg

  • would be helpful but the book is now in phoenix…

There where a lot of spots of naked wood…
Ben Hogan Speedslot 404 pre.jpg

I used one component poly lack - what a mess - I had to wait a week to dry it out…
I didn´t removed the old poly, because I wanted to keep the logos and I don´t need
optical perfection:
Ben Hogan Speedslot 404.jpg
Ben Hogan Dura Ply.jpg
Ben Hogan Speedslot 404 side.jpg
Ben Hogan Speedslot 404 buttom.jpg

The old grips where just too old…
Grip Ben Hogan Speedslot 404.jpg

I had to extend the shafts to bring them over 14 ounces and to my preferred swingweight of D7 to D9…
Next surprise the butt of the shafts are 0.62 and my extensions are for 0.60! Anyway they are in use
now and I am happy…
