Hogan Module Series Update


Closing in on the Hogan Module Series. It’s been a challenge to get it all into a comprehensible, understandable and teachable series that I feel does Hogan’s action justice. It’s a very deep dive to say the least, but I’m finally feeling content about it all.

While no one will swing exactly like Hogan or anyone else for that matter, I do firmly believe that there are core principles and protocols that have been overlooked or completely omitted by the golf instruction profession. The basic action is all here and I can now say that confidently.

I ran through the drills today and took a rip at a driver off the ground… it works, it really does. Tripping the shaft at transition increases the acceleration rate at impact. Can’t say I have ever been this solid at impact.



There is no better way to the 4:30 line than Hogan’s unique protocols…


The work is worth it, looks amazing! Put the Hogan cap on and no one would know any different.

I finished up the Hogan Module “Set Up” last week. Good to have one cross the finish line.

Today I am re shooting the backswing Module… weather permitting. Breaking this stuff down into bite size chunks makes it much more palatable. There are just so many elements that make up the whole, I am trying my best not to leave anything out. It’s actually simpler than one would think, but it’s also easy to make certain assumptions that everyone would know certain things. I’ve learned from teaching over the years not to assume so much.

Is it just Modules 5,6,7 that are different or is the entire course separate from “standard” ABS?


ABS = we dont care how you get there, just get there. Hogan = this is exactly how you do it.


A lot of things are the same of course… but a few things are different… mainly that there is a specific backswing needed to properly transition the shaft or tripping the shaft. Early handset (wristcock) is mandatory. Free ride down is a bit different than super slotting, and Mod 1 would start from a slightly different protocol. The grip also would need to be neutral. Would favor a more closed stance, as Knudson did also.


Where do we sign up?

When it’s done!
Thanks for your patience…
I am really just trying my best to get it all right. It’s a big responsibility in my mind
because no one else is doing it. No one is getting it.

On the youtube channel yesterday, I posted a video of drumming master instructor Freddie Gruber explaining how Buddy Rich was tripping the shaft like Hogan would with a golf club. The technique is exactly the same protocol.


That drumming video was very interesting :ok_hand:.

When you say that Hogan was tripping the shaft in a similar way, I’m wondering how?

Are you saying that Hogan’s lateral move in transition is analagous to the drummer’s hand going below the drum (to “relieve” the stick after striking the drum)? Or am I way off with that??

My take…in the drumming vid, hands go down, drumstick goes up. Hands go up, drumstick goes down. I may be wrong, but Hogan, as he transitioned, hands go out, clubhead goes in. Not sure if this is what John meant :man_shrugging:


Interesting - I did think that too as his hands definitely have a slight “OTT path” in transition (but with the shaft laying down nicely).

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What if the drum head surface was your right forearm as you move from the right hip pocket, and the shaft is rotated under it in the Buddy Rich move?

it can also be the same as what experienced builders do when nailing with a hammer. the hammer moves using the fingers


No, you are not way off at all…

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This is effect, not cause. It’s a dangerous illusion. If you look at the Hogan templates I did on youtube a while back, my hands are doing the same thing, but there are NEVER intending to move out. The plane of the club is inclined, it’s not vertical.

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The tripping of the shaft does this… exactly correct. It allows for the maximization of the Module 1 drill (range of motion).

Close the jar (lid) with the right hand to allow for extra time to perform the Magic Trick.