Hinging actions.. the intentions of the hands

Typically the hinge action would refer to the action the hands take after impact… of course this to an extent is predetermined by the intent of direction (longitudinal or radial)… I use an angled hinge as a hitter… there is no feeling of a roll at all… the clubface is kept square to the shoulders after impact using the bigger muscles of the body and torso’s rotation.

At parallel 3 both hitters and swingers might look quite similar, but in the case of my release I would use a non automatic release, meaning the shaft is “fired” with a deliberate rotation of the right forearm into the impact area… it’s a lot like slamming a door shut, once it hits the frame it goes no further… I taught myself to do this using an impact bag.
The real key here is that once impact is reached, the hips then take over the firing, and the body picks up speed in an attempt to keep the clubshaft accelerating over to parallel 4. In a final attempt to continue this acceleration, the shaft is ripped upward from the flat plane into a high finish by the upper arms again pulling the club shaft from a hands or elbow plane, to a shoulder plane… this action feels as if you are still keeping pressure on the shaft.

There is no doubt that what one feels and what is actually happening
are often different.

If you are to have any chance of holding the flex all the way to the ball, you will have to feel as if you are reaching maximum velocity at the 4rth parallel.


This is great. It conveys so much very clearly. Thanks.


Johnny knows!


Experimenting a bit in the backyard with the thought of trying to feel having the shaft bent prior to and through impact it struck me that the shaft is not going around but more up in the follow through.

I subsequently found your post where you mentioned this feat and suggesting that it is a paradox as you obtain it by keeping (downward ?) pressure on the shaft.

It is indeed funny how often we are faced with paradoxes in a golf swing. For instance Percy Boomer wants you to strive for a down feeling in the back swing.

More he digs into golf more it becomes difficult for a teacher to convey what he wants you to do as it becomes a confusing web of paradoxes. :wink:

If we take the ball out of the equation… and simply look at the golf swing as a complete motion from start to finish… then we can talk about holding shaft flex into any part of the swing… even to P4 or beyond… it can be done… I can do it.

One can hold shaft flex fairly easily using a stiff wristed no wrist cock type of swing… but doing this we lose a tremendous amount of potential clubhead speed.

If you are delivering a lot of shaft angle into P3, then it is only the firing of the wrists and forearm rotation that would offer any hope of attaining a shaft flex hold to the swings lowpoint or beyond. This of course offers the best of both worlds…


At impast I love the visual and mental imagery of “Slamming the Door”. It is this imagery that is helping me to keep as layed off and flat as possible.

Problem now being the clubhead outracing the hands and body…like there was no trim inside the doorframe to stop the door…

I have a hard time implementing mod3 here…any thoughts you have on this to help out?


If your intention is to hold shaft flex… and if you are hitting, it should be… then you have to work on picking up rotational torso speed post impact. It’s like a relay runner handing off a baton. Whatever speed you have developed early on… that is all fine as long as you have the guns later to advance those pressures properly. This is why I do twice as many module 3 reps as 1 and 2. Always have, always will. But of course, you have to be doing it right.

‘This is why I do twice as many module 3 reps as 1 and 2.’ Lag

Lag, you wrote somewhere here:

I believe module 3 is THE technique to learn to feel!


The thing that helped me the most was learning to slow down from the top. If you fire like a “raped ape” from the top, you’ll have to move even quicker somehow to keep that acceleration. Be deliberate while drilling…start slow and accelerate through/past impact. Start as slow as you need to until you can feel that cadence. That was the hardest thing for me, but once you re-synch your brain to the new dance step, it becomes the new norm and consequently just as difficult to break the good habit you’ve ingrained.

Good luck.
Captain Chaos

Reading thru some of theseTGM concepts, the one that seems to stand out to me most is the angled hinge mechanism
To make it simple I am trying to play with angled hinge mechanism with left arm in control

The left arm certainly has a role to play… but as long as you have both hands on the golf club, then the right hand is going to play just as significant a role and has it’s protocols to follow as well. If you set up your gear and your golf swing correctly, an angled hinge will be the result … not something you are trying to do in and of itself.