What style and grace. I noticed many times the mention of his popularity with the fans. Seemed like a very kind man. And those cardigans, so classic! Also noted was the Spalding bag. Any ideas on what make/model George played?
More than likely George would have been playing the Spalding Synchro-Dyned being on the Spalding Staff. These were their top line club in the 1960’s. Certainly some customization at the factory for his specific specs. I have a set of these and they hit really well. By the 1970’s… he would have been playing the Spalding Professional “Bird on the Ball” which were basically a knock off of the Hogan Powerthrusts with the shaved toe.
Those bird on ball were great looking clubs!
They still are great looking clubs!
It’s interesting to look at how they really were just a copy of the earlier Hogan Powerthrust with the toe weight shaved off. A real players club…
I prefer my clubs being designed by great players and strikers… Hogan making clubs… or Toney Penna who designed the majority the great MacGregor releases in the late 40’s - 50’s.
There is so much more to a golf club design than how it performs in a lab wind tunnel.