Footage of Bradley Hughes

Well I did actually make the tube that week in Round 2…nice to see all those great names on the leaderboard…mine looks out of place on there

Gosh…!!.. I hate that swing now that I look back at it…that was about 3 years into it being changed by my coach…looks god awful and not natural at all


Not to us!

I have been snowed in at home the past few days so have had a lot of time on my hands working in The Vault and making some videos
I have made up a few more vids that I will post to my own website also…seeing after I did the interview with Ralph on his Gotham Blog I thought it wouldn’t hurt to get a bit more in depth about a few things and add some more stuff. Afterall it is a website that shouldn’t hold any secrets back.

Here is the first video from Sports Tonight in Australia I made up which at the end summarizes why I actually HAD to start wearing sunglasses-- hence it is a BOLLE promotion


The second one is a bit more personal. A little bio they did of me back in 1996 in Australia on Sports Sunday… it’s very personal about something that happened to me that I don’t think I have ever discussed on this forum before. But it’s time to get all this stuff out and not let any of it (amongst other things) hold me back from enjoying golf and being the person I want to be
As you will see…that pretty much killed my career for a few years and was the major reason I moved to America in 1995


The next one is some highlights from US Tour events. I wish I had of won in the US but not to be. I had a few close calls and it was nice to look back and see just how close I did come, a putt here or there, to winning in America on the PGA. Maybe there is some hope yet with some more application and belief down the road somewhere --although the clock is ticking.


And lastly Channel 9 Australia followed my progress at Augusta in 1998 so I have a good little reminder for the memory of playing there


One more video from 1992 of the tournament in Japan that I should have won- but didn’t
Added some thoughts along the video about my thinking at that point and what I was trying to do. Thought that may interest some to see what goes through your head in the heat of the battle.
The video is in Japanese, so for those that haven’t seen golf on TV in Japan it is fun listening as they do use a lot of ‘english’ terms in their golf. Or you can turn the sound down…
I can amazingly to me anyhow still understand some of the regular Japanese talk but don’t get me to quote much of it… I guess the memory is a cool thing when it is triggered with something


Very Inspiring Two thanks for sharing your professional and personal life with us.

Though not a win that was a gutsy performance in Japan! Thanks for sharing that.

Safe travels to Vegas! I’m really regretting not being able to make it this year. :cry: I would so have enjoyed meeting you and Macs and getting a chance to see Lag again.

Good luck and I hope y’all play well!


Hunting through some footage the other night and found this from the final round of 2004 Australian masters video


That’s the best way to shoot 64-66-71…greens in reg and then you don’t have to rely on the putter to get as hot

When I won the 1998 Australian Masters I didn’t play The Masters again until 2004 because I was playing US PGA Tour.
In 2004 they changed the dates to December so I ended up coming home and playing the PGA, Open and Masters.

This was a tournament that had many factors going on which I will touch on later…

  1. I had an intense focus that week as I was going thru a divorce which mentally was very tough because my ex was being a real pain in the $$$
  2. I had a great year on The Nationwide Tour finishing 12th and getting my card back for PGA in 2005
  3. Lots of other things I was hearing from others about the ex that really made me mentally crazy. I was getting no sleep and running on fumes.

Here is the first 2 rounds on video. I will add the 3rd and 4th rounds later on with some discussion.
I have only really posted videos of events I won…this 2004 Masters was an unbelievable week which you will see later on had a difficult ending, but I rate it as one of my best performances considering the circumstances. Unfortunately things went south after this point for non golf related incidents and I lost my desire to play golf as it wasn’t enjoyable any more as I had to play for all the wrong reasons.


This is the 3rd round video of 2004 Australian masters. This was the round that killed me in the end. I played the par 5 holes in even par.
I started to lose my focus during this round due to a phone call back to my kids in the USA the morning of this round.
My kids were all excited saying they had seen me on TV and that I was doing great and then the ex came on:
Telling me I was everything under the sun and she hated me for doing well?..blah blah so on…Listened to that for 5 mins before I hung up on her.
Put me in a real bad state of mind before the round which showed throughout even though I battled hard

The other footnote is I switched to a Mastercard hat instead of a PING hat for the weekend. I was under contract with PING for the hat in USA but not in Australia as I thought I had a Motorola hat deal in Australia and had told them that previously. The Motorola deal I had in place at the start of 2004 in Aust didn’t eventuate when I went back there, so I just donned my PING hat.
On friday evening someone at Mastercard contacted me and said they would like me to wear their hat on the weekend and asked how much it would cost them… well I thought about it and realized PING would be pissed if I changed hats, so I threw out a ridiculous number of $10,000 for the weekend and another $10,000 bonus if I won the event, thinking there was no way they would agree to that and I would still be wearing my PING hat on the weekend.
Turned up on Saturday and in my locker were two Mastercard hats for weekend play!!!
PING were pissed later on, but hey…they weren’t paying me to wear the hat, so why not try make some jingle on the side…they got over it :smiley: with some good explanation on my behalf.


Final Round action 2004 Australian Masters…
This was a great challenging round. The result wasn’t as planned but nonetheless with everything going on for me at the time it was one of my best performances.
The bushes on the right side of 18 were only put in a few months before the event and drew criticism for being too close to the fairway and were promptly removed a few weeks after the event.
I also had bet myself to win this event. Three of my friends and I stood to win almost $250,000 between us with the bet and the odds we found if I brought the win home. Sad day in many regards but great to be in the mix and fight it out.


Aussie golf fans will probably remember these from back in the 1980’s til about the mid 90’s…
The defending Masters Champion used to go to Huntingdale a month or so before the event and do a swing intro for the start of next year’s telecast.
this was pretty cool and something I really looked forward to.
It was staged on an elevated glass case so they could get the shot from underneath. I had to address the ball standing real close to the ball, so I could get my entire body/head fully in the camera shot , so that’s not my normal address position, but people wouldn’t know that watching it from that angle.
I only made a backswing on that view…no hit. Had to be careful I didn’t move too hard when I stepped back for address and make the ball wobble off the makeshift tee I was placing it on.
Then for the actual hit. They positioned a camera inside a very thick glass enclosure with a cut out for the lens. The glass was very thick to absorb a golf ball being hit at it. The glass was also angled because I actually hit the ball at the glass. It had to be angled so it would ricochet over my head and not come back and drop me right between the eyes. The first swing at it was a nervous flinch because I wasn’t so sure of that!!! probably ended up doing close to 6-8 shots until I got the ball going in the exact location down the lens that they wanted.
When the ball cannoned back off the glass they were actually flying almost all the way back to the 1st green at Huntingdale, which is directly behind me…almost 220 yards straight backwards with a 5 iron… so you can imagine my hesitation on the first one because if I got hit my a ball traveling with that force, I wouldn’t be feeling too well afterwards.
They then super imposed their own ball onto the final cut with their logo on it to fly at and out of the screen.

I also was paired with The Shark the first two rounds which was cool.




I think you’ll find a kinship when we examine the Superslotting Module. I remember that swing all to well!

Been a while since I posted a swing.
Since I came back to Aust in Feb I really haven’t played much golf or dedicated myself to practicing or even doing much module work as I have been working hard trying to build up a student base here and trying to build up the business side of things- and get into some corporate golf and do some outings. Been on the radio a bit as a golf ‘expert’ for a sports radio network doing the golf show a few times and call ins discussing The Majors. Just been busy busy trying to do all that and cover some bills.
The past few days I have spent a good 4-5 hours each day at the place I teach at in Melbourne whacking the bag and punching out some mod work to try and get this bloody swing somewhere respectable. I really noticed how weak my golf muscles were from not doing anything the past 3-4 years…and from doing stupid stuff from poor coaching the 15 years before that that weakened those golf muscles (especially the legs and torso turn.
So today saw a bit of a breakthrough in many regards as I finally started to feel the slot again and get much closer to the 430 entry than I have for years. The major difference for me ended up watching myself do the module 4 work and see how shit it all looked. Mind you I can still hit the ball fine even being off with the swing but I really wanted to start nailing this thing down and get it closer to what I believe in and try to teach people.
The big thing for me today came from working on Mod 5 & 6. Still need to improve the Mod 1 stuff and really need some more Mod 2 resistance and drive to start ripping up the Mod 3 post impact… but all in all I liked what I saw compared to what has been.
I think Lags stretching vid will help too. I have been doing a lot of walking and running 5 days a week or so to get in some shape and doing that has woken my legs up a little. Have 2 months to get ready for Aust Masters and want to be better prepared than last year and make a better showing than just making the cut.
Just a matter of working and drilling and gaining the structure and strength again to make the swing more routine and more consistent and aggressive into and through the strike.
BTW I had to be under cover and off the mat because the wind was up between 75-100kmh almost all day today!!! Crap day for golf and my camera wouldn’t stand up out on the grass area. Dont like mats but it was better than doing nothing.


I hadn’t seen this video before there are alot of good swings on here. I really like the swing at 4:02 in the video, it’s really impressive how well the club stays with your turn through impact and right up to the finish, this is something ive been working on alot and i havent seen many people do it this well.

This a nice picture. I dont think you can fake a finish like this without being good through the ball. This is something i can always feel when im out playing. When im hitting it well i can feel the clubface connected to my body turn to the finish and the face stays neutral in the finish, and it feels like i have very good control over my shots. But when im not swinging so well i can feel the face get disconnected from my pivot and rolled, and shots can go left or right.

Lots of good swings on this video. I really like the speed of your body rotation through impact, definitely no fear in these swings or trying to steer the ball in play.