I have not read Power Golf and have read a fair bit of Five Fundamentals
Power Golf was pre accident and Five Fundamentals after the accident- From reading the books does anyone one find Hogan showing any difference in opinions about the swing from one book to the other?
Hey Brad,
It’s been a long time since I looked at Power Golf. Like you I really only pay attention to the “post” accident classic. Two things that I remember pretty vividly…long thumb grip in the Power Golf book. More standard grip as far as hand placement. Much longer, less compact backswing.
Sorry…that’s all I remember.
Capt. Chaos
Hi there twomasters - I am fortunate to have early copies of both books! I’m not sure there are major differences in opinions in what Hogan says about the swing in each book, but I think the style of each book is so very different it is difficult to make comparison (if that makes sense?). Power Golf has literally hundreds of face on and down the line photos of Hogan with various clubs taking full swings - these photos all have descriptions of what is relevant for that particular point in his golf swing. Overall, the feeling I get is one of less detail on the specifics in the Power Golf book compared to Five lessons (a quick example being in Power Golf, the ‘waggle’ is mentioned almost in passing rather than the very detailed description that takes up 5 or so pages in Five Lessons).
Maybe someone who knows more about Hoagns golf swing can add more - but next time I have a flick through these books I will bear in mind what you have asked and get back if anything radical with a difference of his opinions jumps out at me!
Thanks Capt and Zachs
I have read the 5 fundamentals. I have Power Golf but haven’t read it and was interested. Sounds good so far. I haven’t wanted to read it until I am fully certain of comprehending what Hogan says in 5 fundamentals so i could see if he had different ideas or just spoke it in a different language. thanks for your insights so far
The differences in the two books was the difference between night and day. He wrote PG before (or right in the process of) shortening and flattening out his swing. The mindset and technique was much more John Daly than the classic Ben Hogan ‘post accident’ swing. He had a fairly strong grip (2 1/2 knuckle) and was very disconnected and upright with the club at least 30 degrees PP and ATL and sometimes still fought a low pull hook. Some of it reminds me of the old Tommy Armour I book, not very useful for a modern skilled player as an instructional tool but rather it provides a starting point and reference showing the problems one of the greatest players had to overcome in his learning curve.
A difference according to hogan himself is that his best striking years were 1948-1949, not post greyhound!He was flat when it counted in Power Golf as well. i agree that was more like Nelson at that point upright to flat.