Cutting it Left...

Was using this image today…and thought I would pass along.

I was imagining the ball as the “head pin” on a full rack of bowling balls. When we get to P3, with the club behind us- flat, laid-off and open- and ready to turn the pivot loose…we have some options on how to attack the head pin and what to do after that.

At P3…it almost felt like the path of intention would be the “Brooklyn side” of the pocket…and then go after the 7-pin after contact with the head-pin. But even though the feel was to be able to attack the Brooklyn pocket…the pivot was actually squaring the blade to hit the head pin dead center. Then take out the 7-pin.

You TGMers would be taking out the 10-pin :laughing: RR

That’s some nice creative imagery…

Aim at the 10 pin on the way down… then suddenly change your mind like a good boxer might… in an attempt to trick the opponent, then take out the 7 pin.

Another Christmas story like Paul C’s great post about Mo’s Bacon Bar.

My grandson brought over one of his new gadgets called “BeyBlade” which is a gyroscopic toy. It has serrated piece of plastic cord which is inserted into a starter gear. Then you simply attach the BeyBlade to the starter gear, pull the serrated plastic cord as hard as you can and the toy spins very fast.

Well…we were playing with it for a long time, and inserting the plastic cord is frustrating at times because it is curved significantly in the middle…the chord is not a straight line.

Then it dawned on me that the curve…which is actually a leftward curve out of the gear box…increases the speed of the toy. If the cord was simply a straight piece there would be less resistance within the gear box and therefore less speed to spin the top.

So that leftward change of direction of the cord was increasing acceleration via a vector change- like an orbit pull left.

Pretty cool stuff…a lesson in there somewhere for the grandson to absorb. :laughing: RR

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This is a bit of a hjack - sorry about that, but i remebered this thread from quite some time ago and i thought this would fit in here…

Did anybody catch some footage of the recently? I dont watch too much golf lately, so maybe he did this stuff all the 5 times he played before - but Tiger was doing these practice swings where his club would disappear very fast to the left trying to achieve a bit of a more stable clubface. Now when he takes a swing the actual result looks a bit like… this:

But i guess this can count as a change from his previous swings. He is not firing it down the line that much but tries to keep the clubface on a more consistent arc?

So aside from other things, he seemed to have changed his release to a more “angled hinge” approach - or whatever term you would like to use for that.

The thing i´m actually curious about - some folks dug up a tweet from Haney where he was asked where Tiger´s Stinger was. He replied:

So basically Haney is saying you cant hit that kind of shot type with a cutting left motion type release?

Lag, since you are able to swing and hit and release both ways, could you shed some light on it? Would you be able to hit this kind of low driving (drawing) shot with you normal release one can see on your videos?

I play a low trajectory shot off the tee all the time…
I like to put the ball on the ground with a driver… just on a bit of kicked up turf. Exactly what Venturi did all week when
he won the US Open. He claims he didn’t use a tee all week.

Typically I just evaluate the shot at hand, then pick the trajectory and shot shape I want to execute.

Stinger was gone long before Tiger left Hank. In my opinion it has to do more with the relationship between the pivot and club. Twomasters has some great analysis somewhere on this sight showing the club outracing the pivot badly in modern Tiger relative to 2000 Tiger. For the record I think he is improving since Hank. Foley will get him cutting it left (S&T type instructing is very big on hands-in on backswing to hands-in on throughswing but what they don’t emphasize is pv5 so Tiger will be working it low left after impact but never up, like Dustin Johnson. They are also big on knee flex and leg action but they advocate an upward thrust through impact so basically what we would refer to as maximizing vertical ground pressure while neglecting horizontal. I think these are positive steps but not the full picture that is taught here.

Never liked bowling until, today. I looked up bowling pins rack to see where the 10-pin placement and 7- pin placement :bulb: other then that I just rolled the ball down the lane tried to hit the headpin. I put this image up so other non bowlers can see it. :smiley:

Thanks for the post Guys never what of tied these two sports together.
Bowling Pins layout1.PNG

thanks for that BT, wasn’t sure which pin was which - we still play skittles hereabouts :slight_smile:

I really think putting with this and the advantages of rolling it with hook spin like all the good bowlers do. When I say putting I really mean in the more non conventional way used by many of the great putters.

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I’ve been thinking about bowling and golf a bit of late. My parents met in a bowling alley and were both prolific bowlers. Through osmosis, I could roll the rock fairly well. Too bad they didn’t meet in a country club.

I roll a 16 lbs. ball with finger tip inserts. The correct gear definitely gives you an opportunity to play well. Picking up a house ball may be fun at birthday parties, but will not perform properly. I don’t bowl very often and my 16 pounder can become very heavy without practice. I find it very interesting that I don’t try to increase speed with my backswing, but more with the follow through. I think post release and lofting the ball. This is were the inserts help. One will often hear a little suction pop noise on the release if doing it right. That’s were I look for speed. Sure, I could swing it back farther, but that would require more strength and many reps.

Another thing regarding swing thoughts. I’m rarely thinking anything technical when bowling. I may think to move feet left or right, more hook or less, and more speed as mentioned above. I make adjustments on the ball’s reaction to the lanes. I may miss one or two 10-pins, fine, but not too many after that. Once locked in, its like being on autopilot.

I sure wish my parents met on the golf course!

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I think cutting left is really feasible when you shift weight low and to the front foot in transition. And at the 430 line you have a running start slight lower body open feel with shoulders closed off and club shaft on 430 line. If your front left pocket isn’t open impact to post impact it won’t happen. Almost a feeling like the handle of the club is exiting below your right knee.

If the lower body is out of position at the 430 line. Forget it. Flip city

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Funny how post impact shaft flattening is the town square when it comes to controlling line with uninterrupted speed. :smile:

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Wish I could’ve implemented this more when I was playing avid golf. But have to say my good ones are really good. And the bad aren’t as bad

In transition you really want to feel the right foot/leg loading up. This will bump the hip forward so it looks like the weight is shifting but your weight really shouldn’t shift until nearer to impact.

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Been focusing on this all area of my game that has improved exponentially is my 100 yard shots. I’m now taking dead aim with a 3/4 wedge and putting more spin on the ball than I can ever remember. The long game is still a work in progress doing this.I did find a drill that has helped.Take a long putter and address it with a massive split grip.Where the bottom of the hand is mid shaft.Hit balls 20-30 yards this way.And low and behold it develops a feel of low and left with pivot every time.My goal is to make this drill ingrained


Best I can do after working in this for 2 seasons. The low and left keeps the lefts away for sure.Can’t give one thing or key to it.It’s a combination of many things.And a feeling that the ball only gets in the way.And not the end game

Excellent execution here. Clubface very stable through the strike, hands working left and low.

Nice slotting action with the “out to in” backswing.

Good work!

This is just a swing without a ball.

Does this rotation have a stable clubface by the looks of it or totally off?

It’s hard to see where the clubface is at from that distance…
It should not be rolled over to the left of the shaft from this DTL view.

I kinda been thinking of a way of cutting it left doing this. And it seems to be a great sync up that puts all the drills together. Do this once a week with a full bucket helps in the long run. Really makes me feel a low left stable clubface exit. And the shallow move drop

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