Grips n grooves

Quick question- have a set of spalding bob with royal cord grips - would like to change them but somehow preserve them just in case (teenage memories etc) is this possible?
Also - grooves, how do you know when tyre just to far gone?

I have a tool to remove grips, can usually get them off if they are in good condition. Doesn’t work with cord grips as the stretch or tear. Some use a compressor to blow them off.

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@Skinnybuddah @NRG Carpet knife here for 40 years. Same one.

I make a straight cut down the side peel it off w no vice. Then shred the tape off like peeling a potato. I use an old sock w paint thinner to clean and tape it up.

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Sort of tool I have.

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Ha with that last method and mod1 Ill have arms like popeye!

Seems like my second hand grips never fit snug again after removal. Use to use a needle and balloon :balloon: them lol

Never tried peeling one off like that. The tool I use isn’t exactly great as you are left with some tape residue inside the grip. They are never quite the same after you do it.

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Air compressor works perfectly for removing grips, just a few quick blasts and wiggle backwards at the same time

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The needle balloon mover was thru golfworks

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Yeah Im going to try and save the grips - apparently they’re danny edwards cord grips…no idea what ill actually do with them if i do manage to save them righ enough…