Georgia Golf Legend Louis Brown

Current Georgia State Senior Amateur champion Louis Brown using ABS protocols at age 59. Louis sent me over a swing to evaluate. His swing does the talking here. Great lateral hip movement initiating the downswing while working the club into the 4:30 line with the beautiful wide open clubface. Great pivot rotation into the strike while preserving wristcock angle between the shaft and left forearm post impact. A hallmark of a great hitters action. If I could change anything about Lou’s swing it would be to change the location of the event he is playing in… not to be in the same event I would be playing in!


Beautiful! Is the yellow hip line in the first picture where his left hip is at address?

Shame the Louis Brown interview from 12 years ago doesn’t seem to be working.

Sure that can be fixed…
Would be good to include that link here also…

Those are lines Louis had drawn on there… so I would assume that would be correct.

That is some great action there !

Someone asked if the yellow line was where my left started, and that is correct.

Thank you all for the compliments. John has had a great influence on me. I’ve known him since 1981! Of course I don’t send him any of my bad swings :). My release motion never changes. When I get off, it is in getting the club too steep at the top and starting down which leads to me having to find the plane late on the downswing.

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