What parts are sore?

Well, whadya know…some progress! I finally ran into the friend of mine…Joe…who has been a Moe fanatic for over 20 years, or so, after first seeing him in Plymouth, Michigan perfoming at a clinic. Joe still swings like Moe to this day and, for his age, is really quite good at it.

According to Joe…Moe did in fact have sore muscles from the ages 13 through 19, which was the time during which he was finding his action. Joe said that after each session the young Moe’s upper body and arms would ache so bad he could hardly move them. It was then that Moe discovered that by immersing his arms in a tub of hot water after practice he could conclude which muscles were overworked. Joe did not recall however if once determining what muscles were overworked, Moe would then concentrate on the strengthening the opposite muscles as Joe didn’t have his resource with him.

Joe said all this stuff is contained in the book…The Feeling of Greatness. I don’t have the book, and never have, but perhaps that’s were I read it because at one time in Rat’s life I read every book in our local libraries. I would check out 10 at a time if I could, read them…go back for 10 more.

So if anyone has the book maybe Joe’s accounting of sore muscles can be verified…but coming from him, I doubt his recollection is too far off the mark.

Hopefully this exploratory is closed and…if you’ll all excuse me…it’s off to the rat’s nest for a break! :laughing: RR

There you have it, a glimpse into the early life of RR.

This reminds me of a quote…“people(rats) are the same as they grow older…only more so”. Now we have RR , “checking out” the free stuff at ABS.

Good thing you’re here RR. :smiley: You more than earn your keep.

RR, I’ve got the book and pretty sure that’s in there…Congrats by the way with your post the other day on feeling like Hogan…Hope it sticks with you…