More Breaking News on the State of the Game

And if you take out '93-'03, you’ll get a much more gradual increase (as you’ve mentioned in your previous post). Roughly 256 yards to 266 yards (in 27 years).

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I think that seems correct. There was a big jump in the later part of the 90’s and into the early 2000’s.

It was talked about a lot back then… lots of controversy etc… but completely ignored by the governing bodies. Basically, their admitting they made a mistake by taking some kind of action against the situation… which of course should have happened a long time ago.

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Gary’s not wrong here.
I’ve been saying the same thing for 25 years.

I don’t even watch The Masters anymore… and I never could have imaged that…

I think the only thing that hasn’t changed is the size of the hole… but I understand Gary’s frustration.

That being said, the solution is simple. A new ruling body that starts out grass roots like the TRGA would get things back on track quickly.


So far I’ve heard Hal Sutton, Hale Irwin, Butch, Bruce Devlin and some others say the same thing. It’s crazy really what happened to the balls and clubs. It’s not crazy it all money driven. USGA has zero spine.

I got a new for me Macgregor driver and look at it compared to my toaster and it’s crazy. This Tommy Armour head is bigger than some of my other persimmons too.

On other subject….
Thanks lag on your WITB video. I hooked up some 8 pound weights to my clubs tonight. I found my hogan iron shafts are good. I bought an original ping one iron shaft like you said and wanted to hook it up to my toaster driver but .355 was too big so I put it on this muira driving iron. That shaft flexed the least on 8 lb weight!! And it was best club in my bag last year. My new X steel dynamic gold X shaft was most flexible. Need to tip it out now.