Let's Talk Lag's Golf Machine.

@ 40:31…“I never played golf for the money… I had an amateur heart”

Eloquent and priceless!

Great interview.


Hi Guys,
Here’s a link to an interview I did with Bradley Hughes.



Thanks NYC Lagster for posting your interview with Bradley.
It is always interesting to hear about a professional sports career from the player himself and from the very beginning. Or at least it is for me or maybe anyone who has ever dreamed of being talented enough at a sport to turn pro and make a living doing what you love.

The interview was also a real eye opener hearing about what it is really like to be a professional golfer. About the tough decisions that must be made at a young age and the challenges of having a family on tour and the grind of traveling and playing a different course each week. I am pretty sure not everyone who has the talent has the grit.
Of course there is all that good stuff too… Like meeting a (hopefully GOP) president, getting to play the best courses on the planet, seeing the world and best of all, winning and being on the top of your game.

The Presidents Cup footage and story are great and just in time to get us thinking about what will become of the cup this year ?

Thanks also to Bradley for taking the time to share his thoughts and stories. I really enjoyed following along and getting a peek into the dream.

Happy Birthday Lag!

May the golfing gods bless you in 2011.

Cheers, Papi

Yes Lag, Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday maybe a round of golf at Pastiempo?

Just arrived in Vegas. Taking the day to see some old friends with three straight days of golf coming up. Since I usually play about 3 days a month… it will be nice to get into a little golf routine again like the tour days. The road always brings stories.

Last night I was trapped in an elevator at The Sahara Hotel parking garage. With no one around, I finally got the stuck door to open. Could have been a long cold night in there! Nothing like the touring life!

Glad you didn’t spend your B-day trapped in an elevator or even worse trapped in an elevator with Elvis
Good luck at theTRGA. I’m not sure who I should root for the master or the master, lol.
Hope you both play well and have some good old traditional fun :sunglasses:
Good luck to everyone who will be representing. Let em fly!

Everyone wins playing persimmon on a good golf course!

can someone start a thread to the TRGA SF Open so we can see how everyone is getting on.

How many have entered?

Here’s my interview with Ari Techner President and CEO of Scratch Golf. Scratch has kind of taken us back to the future with their forged products and the recent signing of Don White master clubmaker of McGregor fame.
Here’s the link:




Hi guys,
Here’s an interview I thought you would enjoy.



Really enjoyed listening to your interview with Mr. Moote. Thanks for posting it Ralph.

I saw this yesterday and thought it was very good. I am glad someone posted about it. I started to but could not find the right thread to post it. It is well worth a watch. And while you are at it, check out the Gotham interview with Mr. Barkow. Long but very good. Tried to find his new putting book on Amazon but had no luck.



Thanks Ralph!! It was excellent. Interesting what he says about Knudson’s clubs at about 12:00…HEAVY, stiff. Also says Moe and Hogan were the same regarding this.

A few other things that struck me( and they match what I see here at ABS):
He wasn’t about distance, he was about accuracy, but he was out there when need be.
Balance is number one. Then target orientation(not ball orientation, George called the ball the great intimidator, swing through it not at it).
Concentration is focus on the present, anxiety is the thinking about the past and future.
The only guy that came close to his teaching was Jimmy Ballard.
When giving a lesson, look from the knees down. Where is the weight going and ending?
Drill…Swing at a tee with your eyes closed. Knudson broke 70 with his eyes closed on a fine course.

You’re welcomed guys!


Here’s a link to a casual chat I had with Lagpressure. We talked about a myriad of subjects, hopefully you’ll like it.



Here’s an analysis of Peter Senior’s swing by Lagpressure.


