Understanding Flat Lie Angles

There should be a bunch of excellent posts in the equipment thread littlealm that will help you with these thoughts…
https://forum.advancedballstriking.com/t/how-to-flatten-a-persimmon-driver/644/1 has some nice ideas and discussion

It is quite amazing to put one of today’s recent drivers next to a 90’s metal wood and then also a persimmon wood…there is a huge progressive difference in the lie angle as the years go by.
Today’s clubs are unfortunately designed for the hacker-- upright and lightweight…so they can slap at it with their hands and get some clubhead speed and every now and then connect with a shot that makes them think they are jack Nicklaus
The older clubs are all about promoting correct flatter plane technique and acceleration with the body and not a slapshot because of their flatter pivot enhancing angles and weight – the better shots will become easier and more often
Alas you will be hard pressed to find any of today’s clubs with the makeup we want to encourage the correct action to make golf easier on a day to day basis…however using the older equipment which improves your swing will then make you be able to hit most of today’s beasts even better once the technique has evolved