Great Equipment Alerts

Congrats on that one!

If you don’t like how it plays you can use it as a fly rod. :sunglasses:

Any ABSer’s looking to upgrade their sets, make sure to check out what Twomasters has up for sale in the private side of the forum.
Great sets, and set up correctly also. This will beat ebay any day because you can be confident there will be no “open the box” surprises.
Nice set of Dynas with DG S-300s … 5adaf59cff

Great “real” R 90 here from the 30’s.
I watched the huge improvement in Mac’s sand play last week as we put an real R20 in his bag. I am sure he can attest.
Up and down many times with the heavy beast.

I love the R-20 from sand. It just picks enough sand evertime. We know they are heavy and have lots of bounce but I think what makes them really good our of sand is the absence of “Camber” (Heel to Toe curvature). Their sole looks very straight from toe to heel. I dont exactly know the explanation but it just digs enoubh into the sand.

I did the total weights on the R-20 and some others for comparison. The R20 is the heaviest wedge at 517g; the “original” replica is 485 g and the modern sand wedges I have are all around 470 g.

The fake knock off "original must be one of the biggest farces in re issue history. It doesn’t look like the original in any way or spec. Doesn’t feel nor play like a real R20. I don’t think I have seen a properly designed sand wedge in a golf shop for over 30 years. Everything out there now are fairway clubs really.

Sent Lag an email about some gear…don’t know if the information went through so here is a link to some Hogan gear…kinda pricey…and don’t know if they are still available.

a host of Hogan stuff from this guy below

Someone needs to steel this deal.

I agree,
someone needs to buy that SW. Don’t let the dots on the face bother you… the ball never actually touches the golf club in the sand. (hope not!) What you want is a lot of mass, and the bounce on those are great for decent bunkers. They just don’t make SW’s that heavy anymore, you just can’t find anything like that in a golf shop.

Good catch for a lefty.

You lefties get the goods really cheap it seem - a set of Mizuno TP-9´s almost for free (based in the UK): … 3046907576

Walter Hagen Champion Vintage 34" Compact Blade Putter … 4aa600667f

Actually this guy has A LOT of vintage stuff in his other auctions - maybe somebody could take a look at it and say if it is authentic stuff?

Don’t really want to wait 60 days for all this to be boxed up- so someone else can have it if they have a spare $800,000

WOW…who knows what is in all that bunch of stuff … 0459659871

Thats $50/club. Think before you buy them. :unamused: … 5d2c074db8

Great set here of VFQ’s with stock #1 propel shafts…
I have this same set, and it’s in my top five favorites now or else I’d get them.
Almost worth buying them just for the shafts.

Complete Hogan set here… Apex ll. With 5 persimmons … 230bb754fa

Arrived this morning :slight_smile:

Oh great to hear…

I was starting to regret not buying those!

You are going to love that set. I’m so happy you have them!